02/20/2019 Second EDS and Collegiate Economics Forum

Hello everyone!

This week we are hosting our second economics discussion! The topic is the Federal Reserve and monetary policy. We will talk about the current Fed policies and the implications of “running down” the Fed balance sheet. The meeting will take place Wednesday, February 20th from 7 to 8pm in Questrom’s HAR 316.

The discussion will be based on this short Bloomberg article that we encourage you to read: Bond Traders are About to Get a Big Update on the Fed’s Portfolio.

We are also very happy to announce that BU’s only undergraduate economics journal, the Collegiate Economics Forum (CEF), has published its first issue! The UEA happily welcomes the CEF into the economics community of BU as a great asset to develop students’ curiosity in the field of economics outside the classroom by publishing one’s work and reading other students’ research. You can follow them on Facebook.