What are the TodaysBaby™ Programs?

  • FREE educational programs designed specifically for pregnant clients of WIC or Federally Qualified Health Centers.
  • TodaysBaby provides up-to-date information on recommended infant care practices with a focus on breastfeeding and safe sleep.
  • TodaysBaby is currently delivered by text message to the participant’s mobile/smartphone.
  • Starting in January 2024, some participants will receive TodaysBaby programs entirely by text message, and other participants will receive TodaysBaby programs through social media/private Facebook groups with others who are pregnant or have new babies

What will my clients receive?

  • Short videos and text messages throughout pregnancy and until the infant reaches 6 months of age.
  • Clients who participate in the TodaysBaby programs will be asked to complete periodic surveys about their planned and actual infant care practices.
  • Clients will be reimbursed for their time for completing surveys.

How can WIC offices/ health centers provide TodaysBaby to their clients?

  • TodaysBaby programs have been designed to complement educational materials and services WIC offices and FQHCs currently provide to their clients.
  • We provide WIC offices/ health centers with TodaysBaby flyers, posters, and email, text, and social media invitation templates (if you wish).
  • Staff introduces the opportunity to join the study and TodaysBaby to eligible clients.
  • Interested clients contact the TodaysBaby team directly to sign up or learn more
  • We work with each participating health center or WIC site individually to determine what is the easiest and least burdensome approach to introduce the research study and TodaysBaby to clients.

Why is the TodaysBaby Program being offered to WIC offices/ health centers?

  • We are conducting research studies to evaluate the effectiveness of the TodaysBaby Program.
  • We want to learn what parts of the TodaysBaby program (prenatal/postnatal), and how the programs are delivered (text message/Facebook) work best in helping parents make the best decisions for the care of their baby.

If you are interested in participating or in learning more, please fill out this form Interested Site form or contact Fiona Rice at Fionar@bu.edu or by phone at 617-206-6149.

What kinds of videos do participants receive?

  • Participants receive infant care videos that were developed in collaboration with WIC clients and WIC staff.
  • There are 79 total TodaysBaby videos that address common barriers and tips and tricks to help parents make the best choices for their baby and follow infant care recommendations.
  • Each participant’s TodaysBaby program will focus on breastfeeding, safe sleep, both breastfeeding and safe sleep, or early brain development/parent-baby interactions. Some general infant care videos appear in all programs (i.e. What to do when baby is fussy, What it’s really like to have a newborn, It’s normal to feel overwhelmed but you won’t always feel this way, etc.).
  • Some example topics include:

What do the text messages look like?

Example text messages in early pregnancy:

  • TodaysBaby tip: What you eat helps your baby grow! Keep some healthy snacks nearby and aim to eat about 300 extra calories per day. Which healthy snacks have you had this week? Reply: A=Fruit/veggies; B=Whole grains; C=All of the Above; D=None of the Above
  • TodaysBaby tip: Troubling sleeping? Lie on your side and try putting pillows between your legs, behind your back, or under your belly.

Example text questions and responses about plans for infant care:

  • What do you plan to feed your baby when you first go home from the hospital? Reply A: Breastmilk only; B: Some breastmilk and some formula; C: Formula only; D: Unsure
  • (If Msg1= C, D or Msg 2 =0) Most moms will start with trying breastmilk. You could try too! You have received an entry into this month’s lottery!
  • (If Msg1=A or B and Msg 2= 1 or greater) That’s great! The more you can breastfeed, the better for you & your baby! :)  You have received an entry into this month’s lottery! (If A or B) For how many months do you plan to breastfeed your baby? Reply 0, 1, 2, etc.

Example Survey texts:

  • Congratulations on the birth of your baby!  Please complete a short survey to let us know more about the delivery! [Link] You will receive a $10 gift card and 3 entries into the monthly drawing for completing this survey. Call us at 617-206-6269 with questions.

Example prenatal and postnatal video texts:

  • [FirstName], how will you be able to tell if your baby is hungry? Check out this video for tips: [Video Link]
  • [FirstName], all babies are fussy sometimes. This video has ideas for how to deal with that when it happens: [Video Link]
  • [FirstName], What’s an easy way to tell if your baby is getting enough to eat? This video will tell you! [Video Link]
  • [FirstName], your baby will wake up often during the first months. This video will tell you why this is important: [Video Link]
  • Remember to take care of yourself so you can take good care of your baby. This video will give you some ideas: [Video Link]
  • [FirstName] it’s normal to be sleep-deprived with a newborn. Here are some tips on feeding your baby safely when you’re tired: [Video Link]

How can I learn more? What can I tell local programs in my state who are interested in learning more? 

  • If you know any site that might be interested in participating or in learning more, please have them fill out this form Interested Site form or contact Fiona Rice at Fionar@bu.edu or by phone at 617-206-6149.
  • We are also inviting you to attend one of our upcoming informational webinars to learn more about the TodaysBaby Programs and research studies.
    • You can register for one of the upcoming webinars by clicking the links on the Webinar page here.

We look forward to collaborating with you to improve breastfeeding and safe sleep practices nationwide. Thank you for any guidance or support of this project that you can give us!