Measures – PSCI

Parenting Styles Circumplex Inventory (PSCI) 

Instructions. For each of the following statements, circle the number that best describes how much you agree or disagree that the statement applies to you and your parent.

1=Strongly disagree

2=Disagree Moderately

3=Disagree Slightly

4=Agree Slightly

5=Agree Moderately

6=Agree Strongly

Mother Figure Father Figure
1. My parent believes in having clear rules and sticking with them.
2. My parent gives me a lot of care and attention.
3. My parent rarely gives me expectations and guidelines for my behavior.
4. My parent wants to control whatever I do.
5. My parent rarely follows through with rules or discipline.
6. My parent insists that I must do what I am told.
7. My parent expects me to do what they say without having to tell me why.
8. My parent sets clear and well-established rules.
9. My parent sets high expectations for me without considering how I feel.
10. My parent does not provide structure for me.
11. My parent requires me to tell them where I am going and what I am doing when I leave the house.
12. My parent carries out consequences after I misbehave.
13. My parent tells me how I should behave.
14. My parent thinks kids should raise themselves.
15. My parent thinks they are responsible for guiding my behavior and providing me with emotional support.
16. My parent does not set many rules for me but shows that they care about me.
17. My parent does not put much effort into parenting me.
18. My parent cares about my behaviors, activities, feelings, and desires.
19. My parent lets me go anyplace I please without asking.
20. My parent cares more about my happiness than me following the rules.
21. My parent allows me to form my own opinion on family rules and decide for myself what I am going to do.
22. My parent tells me what to do all the time without regard for my feelings.
23. My parent does not express concern for how I am feeling.
24. My parent lets me get away with things.
25. My parent does not believe in having rules for me and sticking to them.
26. My parent shows sympathy to me when I am hurt or frustrated.
27. My parent and I spend quality time together and they also give me as much freedom as I want.
28. My parent does not really like me to tell them my troubles.
29. My parent rarely shows me that they love me.
30. My parent explains why they discipline me when enforcing family rules.
31. My parent does not try to understand me.
32. My parent enjoys doing things with me.

PSCI Octant Scoring:
PSCI PA= mean (of 6, 11, 12, 13);
PSCI BC= mean (of 4, 7, 9, 22);
PSCI DE= mean (of 23, 28, 29, 31);
PSCI FG= mean (of 3, 10, 14, 17);
PSCI HI= mean (of 5, 19, 24, 25);
PSCI JK=mean (of 16, 20, 21, 27);
PSCI LM=mean (of 2, 18, 26, 32);
PSCI NO=mean (of 1, 8, 15, 30);

PSCI Vector Scoring:
Responsivenessvector = PSCI LM – PSCI DE+ [0.707(PSCI NO + PSCI JK – PSCI BC – PSCI FG);
Demandingvector =PSCI PA – PSCI HI + [0.707(PSCI NO + PSCI BC – PSCI JK – PSCI FG);