News & Events

Registration Open for NSA Boston One-Day Conference

NSA Boston 1-Day Conference

ASHA Honors Stuttering Advocate Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

Michael Kidd-Gilchrist received the Annie Glenn award at the 2024 ASHA Conference in Seattle. He gave a beautiful speech honoring the role his first speech-language pathologist played in his life, and dedicating his energies to advocating for the stuttering community and reducing barriers to accessing speech therapy. Congratulations Michael!!

“I want to break the stigma around stuttering because it isn’t all bad. I don’t know a person that stutters, that is arrogant and isn’t willing to help others.” – Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

Save the Date!!


BU’s CST hosted Michael Kidd-Gilchrist to speak about his life as a person who stutters and his foundation Change & Impact

Story by CST group member Matthew Edwards.

The 2024 NSA One-Day Conference at BU was a blast! See you all in March 2025!

It even included a panel of speakers from the adult CST group.

Pictured: Nick Alakel, Kyle DaLuz, Josh Chase, and Sarah Onofri

Sargent Headlines: Sargent College Hosts International Workshop on Stuttering

BU Today: Joe Biden’s Stutter Highlights BU Center’s Mission to Help Others Struggling with Speech

The Daily Free Press: New Paper from BU Speech Neuroscience Lab explains science behind stuttering

Boston Globe: I Have stuttered all my life. Now I’d like to have a word by Stanley Z. Fisher, former CST group client and emeritus professor of law at Boston University

WBUR: World of Ideas

By Diane Fillion ConstantinoSeptember 21st, 2018in News & Events

(May 20, 2018) This segment is part of student projects on “The passage of Time.” Graduate student Meredith Rumore addresses the topic as it relates to stuttering, which airs from timestamp 20:26 - 25:15.

Listen to the program here.