Roundtable on K-20 STEM Education @ BU
On May 4, 2017, the Hariri Institute hosted a Roundtable on K-12 STEM education at Boston University to engage 13 invited thought leaders in a discussion about what is possible to achieve collectively, leading to an actionable plan that spells out a shared vision and path forward for K-12 STEM efforts at BU.
The guiding questions for our discussion were:
- Who are we? What is our K-12 STEM education portfolio? What are our strengths?
- What are our shared goals in terms of growth, sustainability, broadening impact, diversity, as well as becoming more integrated with what is happening at BU and beyond?
- What are our own challenges as a group? What can we do to better position ourselves to take on more active roles, have a greater voice and more impact at BU and beyond?
- What could and should Boston University do to help us build on our strengths, achieve our shared goals and overcome our shared challenges?
- What are our next steps?
There is a lot of exciting work being done at Boston University and there was a shared optimism that the time is right to explore ways in which we can collectively propel BU’s K-12 STEM efforts to new heights, working together to integrate varied efforts into the broader impacts mission of BU, bridge K-12 outreach and undergraduate and graduate education, and perhaps most importantly inject momentum into K-12 STEM initiatives so that efforts can sustain, scale and achieve their full potential.