Recent Publications and Presentations

Check out our most recent publication:

Disparities in depression and anxiety at the intersection of race and gender identity in a large community health sample. Linked Article

Check out our study featured on The Brink at BU:

Having COVID-19 and Long COVID Can Impact Women’s Sex Lives. Linked Article

Recent Publications

1. Identifying the ways in which tobacco cessation interventions have been tailored for sexual and gender minority individuals: A systematic review. Linked Article

2. HIV, multimorbidity, and health-related quality of life in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A population-based study. Linked Article

3. Factors associated with changes in alcohol use during pregnancy and the postpartum transition among women living with HIV in South Africa and Uganda. Linked Article

4. HIV, multimorbidity, and health-related quality of life in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A population-based study. Linked Article

5. Mental health, social connectedness, and fear during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative perspective from older women living with HIV. Linked Article

Recent Conference Presentations

1. Kabel, K.E.*, Riley, V., Fertig, M.R.*, Valera, G., Vuong, C., Moldovanu, S.*, Reisner, S., Stephenson, K.R., Brotto, L.A., & Stanton, A.M. (2024, November). “It would be a program that is made for me and sees me”: Adapting an online, cognitive behavioral therapy-based sexual wellbeing intervention for transgender women. In K.E. Kabel & D. Clement (chairs), Leveraging community engagement to amplify and affirm SGM voices: Adapting and tailoring research tools and CBT-based clinical interventions to improve health equity. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual meeting, Philadelphia, P.A.

2. Psaros, C., Smit, J., Stanton, A.M., Rivas, A.M., Mosery, N., Kriel, Y., Goodman, G., Traeger, L., & Park, E. (2024, November). Preferences for the adaptation of a resiliency intervention among nurses providing HIV care in South Africa. In Clement, D.N. (Chair), Leveraging community engagement to develop innovative adapted interventions and improve treatment outcomes among populations with and/or vulnerable to HIV. Symposium presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

3. Lee, J.S., Stanton, A.M., Rabie, S., Tshukuse, Y., Hokayem, J., Carnes, C., O’Cleirigh, C., Joska, J.A., & Chai, P.R. (2024, January). Tough pill to swallow? Preliminary attitudes toward the Digital Pill System among pregnant and postpartum people with HIV in South Africa. Invited presentation to The 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Honolulu, HI.

4. Stanton, A.M., Dolotina, B., Chiu, C., Kirakosian, N., King, D., Grasso, C., Potter, J., Mayer, K.H., O’Cleirigh, C., & Batchelder, A.W. (2023, November). Disparities in depression and anxiety symptom severity at the intersection of race and gender identity in a large community health sample. In N. Perry (chair), Mental health among diverse sexual and gender minority communities: Identifying influences across ecological levels. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual meeting, Seattle, W.A.

5. Stanton, A.M., Boyd, R.L., O’Cleirigh, C., Olivier, S., Dolotina, B., Gunda, G., Koole, O., Gareta, D., Modise, T.H., Reynolds, Z., Khoza, T., Herbst, K., Ndung’u, T., Hanekom, W., Wong, E.B., Pillay, D., & Siedner, M.J. for the Vukuzazi Study Team (2023, November). Multimorbidity and disease control in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: The importance of considering health-related quality of life and care engagement in behavioral medicine intervention development. In. J.S. Lee (chair), Examining the various stages of domestic and global mental health interventions for HIV: From treatment development priorities to treatment response. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual meeting, Seattle, W.A.