Recent Student Posts

Passion to create a better future

March 30th, 2019in south africa 2019

By Brian The business trips were incredibly interesting and I was deeply moved by the work being done to further develop South African’s civil society and local business ventures. As I sit... More

Lack of “access”

March 30th, 2019in south africa 2019

By Krisha I feel that access is a word that is very overlooked and can be over or misused in certain instances but what is ‘access’? The overall trip was an amazing... More

Lasting impacts

March 30th, 2019in south africa 2019

By Lindsay While in Johannesburg we also got to do some tourist activities and while I have wanted to go on a safari for my entire life, and it was amazing... More

The people of South Africa

March 30th, 2019in south africa 2019

By Aleena If I had to pick one thing that really stood out to me in South Africa, it is definitely the people. South Africa is breathtaking. The grass is very green, More