The value of a consultant

By Ai-Lin

What is the value of a consultant? This is the question that I have been thinking about since the project kicked off. For me, it is not only to find out the solution, but also to figure out the optimal objective that can best support the business.

This has been an unusual year. I was enrolled in the MBA program during the most extraordinary time, when everything is going virtual. Looking at the snow falling outside my window, I was pondering what I can do more under this “new normal”. I was extremely excited when I learned that BU is offering a course which students can partner with a non-profit organization to provide value adding business solutions. This is exactly the place where I want to apply my MBA learning and work experience to.

We have a fascinating project, which is a combination of agriculture, sustainable energy and finance. It is absolutely an eye-opening assignment for me. In the past, I was confident in marketing and product management. Now, I have the opportunity go outside of my comfort zone and to explore different possibilities for supporting the business. I am reflecting on what I learned in the past and what is the value I want to bring to the table. I really appreciate my teammate and our classmates, who provided lots of useful insights when we were crowdsourcing ideas in class. I was also inspired by Professor Flammer about her expertise in micro funding and micro investments, which opened a brand-new door for me.

Before our first meeting with the client, we did a wide range of research including culture, business environment, and agriculture in Senegal. It is amazing that together with our client, we have three people in our team, from three different continents and speak three different native languages, but we are working together linked by technology. We had a pleasant conversation with our client, who generously shared with us lots of insights about financing local farmers and the benefits of transferring to solar energy pumps. I was touched by his dedication to help local farmers get the resources they need to foster the growth of Senegal’s agriculture. After the conversation, I felt like some of the dots were connected, and there are still so much for us to learn and explore.

What is the value of a consultant? This is the question that I have been thinking about since the project kicked off. For me, it is not only to find out the solution, but also to figure out the optimal objective that can best support the business. During the pandemic, people seem isolated and all the social connections become a floating zoom block. On the other hand, thanks to Social Impact Field Seminar, I feel even closer ties with the community. Together, everyone is trying so hard to make the world a better place.

I am ready to humbly learn and contribute more to our client, and hopefully in the end, we can make some positive impacts on the local businesses.

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