Lack of “access”

By Krisha

I feel that access is a word that is very overlooked and can be over or misused in certain instances but what is ‘access’?

The overall trip was an amazing experience and has provided me with a life changing outlook on the luxuries of the United States and the needs of South Africa. I found that the effects of the apartheid similar to the effects of slavery are still very apparent and discouraging within this community despite the thoughts of some of the non-minority residents in the area. From the infrastructure and the work being done by organizations to just be on par to the health, education, inclusion etc standards around the world, it is clear that South Africa is in need of more reform and organizations that are looking after its people and not just the company’s bottom line. While some areas feel like downtown Boston, others show a complete opposite way of life filled with inadequate housing, limited to no electricity and lack of access to the necessities of life.

During a talk with Professor Flammer, I learned that similar to what I am constantly hearing and discussing at work, there is a lack of ‘access’ within the townships in South Africa. Access to standard living, access to quality jobs, health care, and much more. I feel that access is a word that is very overlooked and can be over or misused in certain instances but what is ‘access’? How do you offer access to health care, this includes education, transportation, care providers and more to areas that do not have the fundamentals to provide electricity? How does one make a roadmap or find/learn the know how to partner across organization and industry lines to create a platform of sorts to provide access? How can it be quantified in the various areas? Unfortunately I do not know the answer to this but am interested in learning more.

I also brought from this course the need to stand by and show proof that you are delivering on a goal. While some of the companies did not show or have a clear understanding of social impact and all it encompasses, I found that I respected the work of those that did understand and have a path to implement the impact they want in their community. While Social Impact is not currently my focus, I am interested in taking more courses on this subject as it seems to be universal for companies that have a mission or commitment to their communities.

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