Understanding and adding value to the system

By Vadika

Applications in the real world example are great teachers and I am hoping that this experience will add value to me as I try to add value to the system.

I have always had a knack of being able to volunteer for a better cause. Being in a healthcare driven family of scientists and doctors, I have been a part of healthcare industry since my childhood. So when the opportunity called, I did sign up for the Social Impact Field Seminar in South Africa.

I have seen that no matter where, healthcare is not perfect anywhere. I have an experience of healthcare in India, US and Canada and can sort of relate to the best practices being carried out in all the places. It is always about being creative with the resources you have. And you can only get a good idea of the system in place when you get to the area and experience the system yourself. When I sit in North America or any other country to think about a topic or a problem in Africa, I can only relate to what I have seen and experienced. I am excited to be on the spot and help the company I am assigned. It is good to be thinking that I am creating value for a company and hopefully the people attached to the company and its services. And it is as difficult to realize how different the world could be on that side. I don’t think I know what to expect but I know that I am ready to take what comes my way and do my best. I have done my research and seen the issues in South Africa superficially. The real knowledge about the system will come out only when I get into the process myself.

Applications in the real world example are great teachers and I am hoping that this experience will add value to me as I try to add value to the system. I hope to learn more on a professional and personal forefront and be a universal human being than be confined to my own culture. I want to be able to experience South Africa as much as I can. I want to share my culture and know more about their culture. I want to explore their local food, lifestyle, measures of happiness, geography, creativity and more that I don’t know about.

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