Experiencing a new culture and learning about social impact

By Iswarya

I am looking forward to travelling to South Africa to experience the new culture and learn more about how social impact organizations are working to create change.

When looking into the companies that we’ll be stopping, I’m inspired by the work they are doing to effectively affect change in different facets. Especially after the end of the apartheid, the lengths Exthat the governments and these organizations are willing to take are impressive.

This past summer, I read Trevor Noah’s Born A Crime, and that really helped shape my outlook on how the Apartheid is still really ingrained into the communities and how people identify themselves. I am looking forward to learning more about the Apartheid in our visit to the museum because I think that this experience will allow me to better understand the mission behind the organizations that we are visiting. It’s important to recognize the deep-rooted segregation that still exists and I believe that with the help of these empowering organizations trying to enact change progress can be made.

On a lighter note, I have always wanted to visit South Africa for the opportunity to go on a Safari and see the wildlife that I’ve only ever been able to see in documentaries. When I learned that we would going on a safari as a part of our plans I was so excited! I recognize that opportunities like this are far and few between, so I’m looking forward to the diverse experiences that this program has to offer. I’ll be checking in later to let you know how the trip is going, but for now I’m going to go finish packing for the adventure of a lifetime!

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