Gearing up for an amazing journey…

By Madeline

With the recent political and sustainability crises in South Africa, now more than ever is a time when I hope to utilize what I have learned in my program and in my current role.

As the trip to South Africa approaches, I am overwhelmed with excitement to see what adventures lie ahead.

Aside from the lure of taking a trip to South Africa, there were two other much more meaningful reasons why I chose this class. First, studying abroad in undergrad gave me a perspective on the world and an experience that I could not have received anywhere else. Having the ability to do that as part of a part-time graduate program is an amazing opportunity. I feel very fortunate to have the ability to study such deep and interesting topics in an immersive setting. The second being my passion for sustainability and the ability to gain real world experience that provides me the chance to affect change.

With the recent political and sustainability crises in South Africa, now more than ever is a time when I hope to utilize what I have learned in my program and in my current role. I am apprehensive to have the opportunity to take on a challenge such as the one that lays ahead. Additionally, I am beyond excited to fully immerse myself in an entirely new culture and begin to explore the unique challenges they face in becoming a more sustainable country.

Reflecting on my experience abroad in Australia, I learned that I thrive in new environments and in being able to dive deep into the people and cultures of my new surroundings. With South Africa being so unique with 11 official languages and a relatively new government and political system, I look forward to learning not only what I can contribute to my project, but what I can learn and bring back to my own future endeavors.

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