What’s up Sargent?

Though we are excited for August (one month closer to the return of most of our students!), let’s take a minute to look back at July. We’re proud to report that during July, we hosted a number of events, published research, and more.

You can find a few highlights below, but make sure to visit our website’s Headlines section for even more Sargent news! Interested in applying to one of our graduate programs? Reach out to us!

SLHS PhD student Hilary Miller awarded Acoustical Society of America scholarship

Hilary Miller

Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences doctoral candidate Hilary Miller was awarded one of two Raymond H. Stetson Scholarships in Phonetics and Speech Science from the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). Honoring the memory of pioneer phonetics and speech science investigator Professor Raymond H. Stetson, the scholarship facilitates research efforts of promising graduate students.

Miller’s research interests focus on applying neurocomputational models and neuroimaging methods to understand the neural bases of motor speech disorders. She currently studies neural control of speech in the Speech Neuroscience Lab with her academic mentor Professor Frank Guenther.

Publication: “Dosage Frequency Effects on Treatment Outcomes Following Self-managed Digital Therapy: Retrospective Cohort Study” 

This study, published by the Journal of Medial Internet Research, conducted by a BU research team led by Sargent’s Dr. Swathi Kiran, analyzed data from the Constant Therapy app’s mobile speech, language and cognitive therapy program.


Findings determined the optimal dosage frequency of self-managed digital cognitive and speech therapy, and demonstrated that increased dosage frequency is associated with better therapy outcomes.

HealthMatters podcast episodes!

During July, we got three new HealthMatters (a podcast hosted by Professor Karen Jacobs) episodes, which you can listen to on this page, or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The July 4th episode highlights our own Director of Graduate Admissions, Alexandra Munroe!

Alumni News: Assistant Professor Victoria Mckenna (Sargent ’18) receives the Early Career Contributions in Research Award from ASHA

The list of recipients is available on ASHA’s website. We’re proud to note that also included on the list is Professor Jennifer Zuk!

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