
Principal Investigator

Sabrina M. Neuman

Sabrina M. Neuman is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Boston University. Her research interests are in computer architecture design informed by explicit application-level and domain-specific insights. She is particularly focused on robotics applications because of their heavy computational demands and potential to improve the well-being of individuals in society. She received her S.B., M.Eng., and Ph.D. from MIT, and she was a postdoctoral NSF Computing Innovation Fellow at Harvard University. She is a 2021 EECS Rising Star, and her work on robotics acceleration has received Honorable Mention in IEEE Micro Top Picks 2022 and IEEE Micro Top Picks 2023. She holds the 2023-2026 Boston University Innovation Career Development Professorship.

[Website] [Google Scholar]

Graduate Students

Alp Eren Yilmaz

PhD Candidate, Department of Computer Science


Pravi Samaratunga

PhD Candidate, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Abin Binoy George

PhD Candidate, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • Showndarya Madhavan [LinkedIn], MS Student Researcher

Undergraduate Students

  • Eileen Duong [LinkedIn], Undergraduate Researcher
  • Binh Tran [LinkedIn], Undergraduate Researcher
  • Julyssa Villa Machado [LinkedIn], Undergraduate Researcher


  • Mirclea Tan [LinkedIn], Undergraduate Researcher
  • Valentina Haddad [LinkedIn], Undergraduate Researcher