Research Background
Why is this research important?
The postpartum period, which includes the weeks and months after you have delivered a baby, is often a time in which there are many changes in your physical and mental health. Common health issues for the mother during this time include poor sleep, postpartum anxiety and depression, stress, high blood pressure, and challenges with breastfeeding. Many of these issues are temporary, but some may persist for months after you have had your baby.
Changes in social and financial needs often also occur during this period. After the birth of a child, families may face changes in their housing situations. Families also have added expenses, such as formula and diapers. While some of these changes are expected, they can be stressful to a new parent and their families.
The goals of this research study are to collect data to understand how health complications and social needs change after the delivery of a baby. Our team is interested in learning about what issues are most common among patients at Boston Medical Center and how these issues might impact your health later on. One such issue our researchers are interested in is high blood pressure, also called hypertension. High blood pressure after the birth of your baby can happen to anyone and we are interested in learning what may cause high blood pressure during this time.