Research Corporation Changes Deadlines

July 21st, 2012 in Funding Resources

Copied from Research Corporation website, effective immediately:

“PLEASE NOTE – Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA) is shifting the pre-proposal and proposal deadlines for the Cottrell College Science Award (CCSA) program for Academic Year 2012-13. Pre-proposals will be due March 15, 2013 and full proposals will be due June 15, 2013. These dates apply to both the Single-Investigator and Multi-Investigator CCSA initiatives.

Although we do not anticipate significant changes, complete program guidelines will be posted on our website by December 15, 2012. The program will continue to emphasize support to early career faculty. In particular, for the Single-Investigator CCSA program, at the time of application the applicant must be within the first three years of his/her first tenure-track appointment, and within 12 years of receiving his/her doctoral degree. Thus, applicants whose first tenure-track appointment began in 2010 or later will be eligible to apply, if other eligibility requirements are met.

Thank you for your interest in the Cottrell College Science Award program.”

Teaching Metabolism

July 3rd, 2012 in Teaching Resource

Hi all,

Thought you might be interested in this recent article from Nature Chem Bio. It’s got some pretty detailed suggestions on how to teach metabolism in a way that’s not horrible rote memorization.