Introduction – Katie Frato
Hi all–thought I would follow Adam’s lead and introduce myself.
Here at BU I’m a chemist, but my path toward chemistry has taken many twists and turns. I did my undergraduate work at The College of Wooster in Ohio, where I was a double major in both biology and physics. Wooster gave me lots of great opportunities for research, especially through the senior Independent Study (“IS”). I also had some awesome summer research experiences: organic farming research at the OARDC, a physics REU at Bucknell University, and a biomedical research REU at the University of Rochester.
My physics/biology background lead me to graduate work at Johns Hopkins, in the Program in Molecular and Computational Biophysics. I worked with Bob Schleif on the most interesting protein in the world, AraC. I developed a method to quantify ultra-weak interactions between the two domains of AraC, and learned to view biology within a quantitative framework.
After mentoring lots of undergraduates in our lab at JHU, I was thinking that teaching at a small PUI (like Wooster) would be a great career. That lead me here, to the BU PFF program, where I’ve worked in General Chemistry CH109/110 for the past two years.
Next year I’ll be here at BU, spending an intensive year doing research in Sean Elliott’s group and getting ready to apply for “real” PUI jobs.