
Jackson receives a poster award at the XI International Conference on Fe-S Proteins at Wake Forest University!

Congrats to Jackson for winning an award for his poster presentation at the Fe-S conference!

Congratulations to Dr. Anastasiya Buzuk!

The Perlstein Lab celebrates another successful PhD defense!! Congratulations to Dr. Anastasiya Buzuk!

Congratulations to Beatrice Wang and Soyoon Kang!

Our undergraduates, Beatrice Wang and Soyoon Kang celebrate their accomplishment in obtaining their B.A. in Chemistry! Congrats to the Class of 2024! We wish you the best in your future endeavors in the sciences!

The Perlstein lab goes to Sky Zone for a lab outing to celebrate the end of the Spring 2024 semester!

Fall 2023 UROP Symposium

Soyoon presents her research at the Fall 2023 UROP poster session! (Mentored by Anastasiya Buzuk)

Congratulations to Dr. Marquez and Dr. Molé!

Melissa and Christa celebrates graduation with their PhDs in May 2022!

Summer 2018 NSF-REU

Abdul presents his electronic poster on his summer research project in our lab. Such a cool way to show your science. Way to go Abdul!

2019 UROP symposium

Annie presents her poster at the UROP poster session in October 2019.

Tenure Talk

Debbie tells the department about all the exciting research her lab has done.

Welcome Rosie!

Baby Puppy Rosie joins the Perlstein lab.

Congratulations Steph on your Masters Degree!

In May 2018, Steph graduated with a BA in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and a MA in Biotechnology. Way to go Steph! Pictured are John, Mel, Steph, and Debbie

Congratulations Dr. Vo!!

Amanda celebrates graduation with her PhD in May 2018! Pictured are John, Amanda, Debbie, Mel, Steph, Christa, Grace, and Laney.

UROP Symposium

Cici and Steph presents their posters at the 2017 UROP Poster Session

Congratulations to the graduates

In May 2017, Claudia earned her BA/MA dual degree in BMB and Biotechnology and Nene earned her BA in BMB. Pictured are Claudia, Debbie, Nene, John, and Mel.

UROP Symposium

In October 2016, Steph and Claudia presented posters at BU’s UROP poster session. Baby Owen enjoyed the science and says that compared to the poster session he attended just 6 weeks previously, the science at this one was superior!

NSF-REU symposium

In August 2016, Kharastin presents a talk about her summer research project in the Perlstein Lab.

Congrats to the Perlstein Lab Graduates

In May 2016, we had a lot of graduates. Pictured are Chris, Callie, Debbie, John, Amanda, Melissa, and Jess.

Jess Presents her honors thesis work at the BMB symposium

To earn her honors degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Jess wrote and defended her thesis investigating how Rad3 interacts with the CIA targeting complex

ASBMB Meeting

Callie presents her poster in the undergraduate poster session of the 2015 ASBMB National Meeting in San Diego

UROP Poster Session

October 2014 UROP poster session. Presenters from the Perlstein lab were Chris Neil, Claudia Lee, Jess Cosman

Congratulations Mary!

In May 2015, the Perlstein Lab gathered to congratulate Mary on completion of her BA in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and her MA in Biotechnology. Pictured in the group photo are Debbie, Nick, Amanda, John, Mary and Eric.

Congratulations Grace!

In May 2014, the Perlstein lab gathered to congratulate Grace on successful completion of her BA degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and her MA degree in Biotechnology. Pictured are John, Grace, Eric, Amanda, and Debbie

Perlstein Lab Outing to Boston Harbor Islands

In Summer 2013, the group headed out to Castle Island for a picnic. Eric, Harry, Xin, Grace, Debbie, and little Charlie were all there to soak up the sun.

Our Glove Box Arrives!

Xin and Eric check out the new equipment

Moving Day – February 2011

After many months of planning and waiting, the Perlstein lab renovations were completed and we moved in! Jin, Eric, Debbie, Mike, and Tutor were all there to celebrate!

Moving Day!