Support OMG

OMG is an independent student organization that provides support and programming for orthodox students at Boston University.

Examples of our programs that require funding include, but are not limited to:

– Weekly kiddush after Shabbat davening
– Seudat Shlishit
– Shabbat onegs and tisches
– Sunday night dinner activities

Donations enable OMG to execute its programming and services. As a new student organization we are hoping to expand this list with your help. Thank you for your participation and support of our community, the BU students appreciate your support.

Donations may be directed toward a specific program or the organization in general. Please contact with any further questions or to donate .

How to Donate

Donate online

In the ‘Choose your cause’ section, select ‘Student Clubs & Organizations’ and enter Orthodox Minyan Group as the organization name.

To donate by mail:

Checks can be made out to “ Trustees of Boston University” with the memo “Orthodox Minyan Group” and sent to

Boston University Gifts & Records

595 Commonwealth Avenue

Suite 700, West Entrance

Boston, MA 02215