Poster Session


All trainees are invited to bring a poster to the meeting. There will be judging and prizes will be awarded.


  1.  Technical quality
  2. Relevance to session topic and conference theme: mixtures of environmental exposures and psychosocial risk factors; big data research applications; development of sustainable and livable communities; new technologies or innovative methodologies
  3. Relevance to (a) the goals and mandates of the Superfund Research Program and (b) SRP stakeholders such as EPA/ATSDR/states and communities
  4. Level of collaboration across disciplines


The deadline to submit abstracts has been extended to Friday, March 9, 2018. Abstracts should be submitted to Chana Leah Rosenbaum.

Abstracts should include:

  • Poster Title
  • Author Information (Author Names, Titles and University Affiliation)
  • Poster Presenter
  • Abstract (500 words)

We recommend a poster size of 42” wide by 60” high. Materials to hang posters are provided.