Systems Thinking Resources

Learning Can Help Public Health Cross Silos in the Opioid Epidemic
The Public Health Training Centers like nothing better than to see learning take hold and actualized in the real world of public health, particularly on an important issue like the Opioid Epidemic. In this post, NEPHTC is celebrating work done by a public health team in Kansas, that started with a... More

Live, Online and Coaching Options for System Thinkings
NEPHTC's Systems Thinking Training Program has three modalities. We have developed this handy guide to explain the program options. If your health department or organization is interested in running a systems thinking training, please contact Karla Todd, NEPHTC Program Manager, at Download the NEPHTC Systems Thinking Training Program Guide here.

Webinar: Using Systems Thinking Tools and Coaching in Public Health – Stories From the Field
About this Webinar The fast pace and pressures experienced in public health often demand short term and immediate actions without thoughtful consideration of the long-term effects. When people are able to look at situations from a bigger picture, systems view, it allows them to make higher quality decisions and minimizes unintended... More

Self-Paced Training: Introduction to Systems Thinking
About this course This self-study course introduces learners to the fundamental tools of Systems Thinking. Systems thinking provides a framework for identifying and addressing the underlying causes of complex problems. This approach minimizes responding to problem symptoms and the associated unintended consequences of quick fixes. This training will provide an overview of key... More

Coaching: Success Story from a Public Health Team
NEPHTC is happy to share this video, developed for APHA in November, 2019, describing the successful use of Systems Thinking by the Vermont Cancer Registry.

2019 NNPHI Annual Conference – Systems Thinking Training Program, with a Plan for Action
Systems Thinking provides a framework to understand and solve complex problems by identifying and addressing underlying causes of the problems. This approach minimizes responding to problem symptoms and their unintended consequences. This one-hour online training introduces participants to the systems approach and three systems thinking tools. View the entire poster for Systems Thinking Training Program, More

Todd Highlights Systems Thinking Results at National Conference for Health Departments
Karla Todd, Senior Program Manager Training Specialist for New England Public Health Training Center, led a session at the NACCHO Annual Conference in Orlando. This year’s conference emphasized the theme, Improving the Nation’s Health through Public and Private Partnerships. Todd’s session, co-authored with Hope Kenefick, NEPHTC Evaluator, and Julia Ross, More

Systems Thinking, Vermont and New Hampshire partners to be featured at NNPHI Annual
NEPHTC is pleased to announce that it will be featured at the annual NNPHI meeting in Washington, D.C. in two poster sessions. Both posters feature work that originated in a public health workforce need that was made into reality by the collaboration by NEPHTC and it's impressive state partnerships. If... More

Interview with Julia Ross

Webinar: Using Systems Thinking Tools and Coaching in Public Health – Stories From the Field
About this Webinar The fast pace and pressures experienced in public health often demand short term and immediate actions without thoughtful consideration of the long-term effects. When people are able to look at situations from a bigger picture, systems view, it allows them to make higher quality decisions and minimizes unintended... More