CAS IR 295 Quantitative Methods for Global Policy
4 credits.
Undergraduate prerequisites: Completion of CAS EC 101 and CAS EC 102, which are also prerequisites for a CAS IR degree. An applied math background, particularly in probability and statistics, is strongly encouraged, and completion of an introductory statistics or econometrics course (MA113, MA115, MA116, MA214, QM221, EC203/303) is recommended. - Introduces the principal quantitative methods that are employed in core global studies disciplines, including political science, economics, and public policy. Students are exposed to a range of descriptive and inferential statistical methods and their applications in research and policy. Effective Spring 2024, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry I, Quantitative Reasoning I, Critical Thinking. Effective Spring 2025, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry II, Quantitative Reasoning II, Critical Thinking.