Faculty Rachel Brulé and Mahesh Karra Earn Promotions to Associate Professor

The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies is proud to announce that faculty members Rachel Brulé and Mahesh Karra have been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure by Boston University.

Scott Taylor, Dean of the Pardee School, expressed his enthusiasm for the well-deserved promotions, stating “It is gratifying to see their excellent scholarship, teaching, and service recognized by the field and rewarded by the highest echelons of the university.”

Brulé and Karra have made invaluable contributions to Boston University and the Pardee School through their work. Their promotions recognize their exemplary achievements in research, instruction of students, and service to the university community.

Dean Taylor highlighted that the Pardee School looks forward to Brulé’s and Karra’s continued valuable contributions in the years ahead as associate professors. Their elevated ranks underscore their roles as leaders and scholars in their respective fields.

The promotions of Brulé and Karra to associate professor with tenure status represent major career milestones. The Pardee School celebrates these faculty accomplishments and the prospective future impacts their work will have.