About Us


The Boston University Mock Trial Organization (BUMTO) is a student-run organization focused on competing in mock trial at the collegiate level. We are a member of the American Mock Trial Association and have a long history of competing at invitational, regional, and national tournaments. At the 2019 National Championship, BU Mock Trial finished 7th place in their division.

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Collegiate Mock Trial is, as the name might suggest, a competitive simulation of a trial in the US Court system. Two teams are pitted against one another as competitors play the role of both attorneys and witnesses, earning points based on their performance awarded by a judge.  Each case begins with pre-trial matters and opening statements by both sides.  This is then followed by direct examinations and cross-examinations by both sides. Finally, both sides present their closing arguments. Each of these sections has a separate score, and the final tally is added up for each team to determine a winner. Individual scores are tracked, but the primary emphasis of Mock Trial is team scores, as these are the sole determinant of how well your team will place in a given tournament.



Anyone, regardless of their major or background, can try out for the Mock Trial Team at Boston University. Our team has a wide array of majors ranging from Political Science and Communications to Chemistry and Computer Science. Many of our new members each year also have no background in mock trial, which is why we have established training programs to help new members learn what mock trial is all about and to help older members hone their skills.

Every mock trial team is made up of a diverse group of people with differing skills. Attorneys are focused on presenting a unified story to the jury, battling objections raised by the opposing counsel, and advocating for their side. Meanwhile, witnesses must be able to step into the shoes of their character, which may range from eccentric experts to heartbroken widows. While playing this role, they must know the facts within the case and defend their side while appearing both unbiased and in-character.


BUMTO isn’t just a team, we’re a family. Outside of our competitions, we love to host team bonding events such as dinners or movie outings to get to spend some quality time together. Some of our alumni have ended up in law school together, while other members visit each other during the holidays! The friendships created in BUMTO are the reason why the team remains tightly knit every year – and we’re always looking to grow our family.