Materials Informatics Lab

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Welcome to the MIL!

The MIL, led by Dr. James Chapman, focuses on the fusion of data science with materials science to discover and design next-generation materials for energy generation and storage, corrosion resistance, and pollution mitigation. Tools such as quantum mechanics, multi-scale simulations, and machine learning are harnessed to better understand how materials behave under extreme conditions. This information then helps to inform us where to look for better materials. If you’re interested in learning more about what we do here at the MIL, please check out the links at the top of the page or reach out to James Chapman at

Check out our GitHub for the most recent versions of our publicly released software: Materials-Informatics-Laboratory (

Current BU undergraduate students: If you are interested in performing research in our group, please email Dr. Chapman your CV and reach out regarding an introductory meeting.

Current BU graduate students: If you are interested in joining our group, email Dr. Chapman with a summary of your research interests, CV, and availability to meet.

Prospective PhD students: Email Dr. Chapman with a brief statement on why you are interested in this lab and indicate interest in our group when you apply to the mechanical engineering PhD program. Please note, if you do not have a strong programming/math background you will not be considered.