Welcome to MET Decision Sciences Research Lab (DSLab). The DSLab integrates the fields of decision sciences, supply chain management, enterprise risk management, and business analytics.

Logo Designed by Shan (Tracy) Ning

History & Mission

The MET Decision Sciences Research Lab was founded in 2018. Its mission is to provide opportunities for MET graduate students to collaborate with professors and industrial practitioners, while applying their analytical skills to solve current problems facing industrial organizations. The lab performs research concerning decision making under uncertainty using analytical modeling, simulations, and data analysis to global supply chain operations.

Join Us

If you are a BU Metropolitan College Administrative Sciences graduate student who is interested in working with us, please complete the following form. Although we give preference to full-time students in Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Risk Management, we will consider applicants from other majors who have the specialized skills we need. Researchers must be enrolled in three or fewer courses during the semester during which they work in the DSLab..

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