Directed Study and Honors in Psychology

Directed study

Directed study provides students with the opportunity to work on research under the supervision of a faculty member in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Research topics and activities will vary depending on student and faculty interests and goals. Some students will work on existing projects of the lab they join while others may be able to work on their own project idea. The student and faculty member work together to define the scope of the project for the semester. The process of selecting a faculty mentor for directed study should begin at least 1 semester prior to anticipated registration. Students should first consult the list of identified faculty willing to supervise directed study projects and then contact potential mentors to determine available opportunities. Be aware that some faculty will require a minimum time commitment per week to be involved in their labs or may request a semester of volunteering before agreeing to supervise a directed study.

To find out more about directed studies, click here.

To learn more about specific directed study opportunities, click here

Application Form for Directed Study

Honors in Psychology

Students interested in gaining research experience may want to consider participating in the Honors in Psychology program during their senior year. Under the supervision of faculty member, students will develop a study idea, collect and analyze data, and present their findings to a small committee prior to graduation. A written paper is also a required component for successful completion of the program. Any interested psychology majors should begin thinking about a project idea prior to their senior year.

To find out more about the Honors in Psychology program, click here.

To find out which professors are interested in supervising Honors work, click here.

Application Form for Honors in Psychology




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