Papers and Presentations
As the project continues, we will post papers and presentations here.
MCLE shares progress at the ISDDE Pittsburgh 2019
MCLE presented a poster with our latest findings about lesson qualities that engage students in mathematics at the International Society for Design and Development in Education's 2019 conference, held in Pittsburgh.
Zoom in on the image below to review our findings!
How do you typically feel in math class?
We asked over 300 high school students, grades 9 through 12, to use one word to describe how they typically feel in math class. This word cloud represents their responses.
MCLE Project Presents at AERA 2019!
On Sunday April 7, 2019, Meghan Riling presented emerging data on the development of disposition survey tools and a lesson experience survey for mathematics classes. These tools enable researchers to learn from students about their experiences during lessons, and connect these experiences with their overall views of mathematics and learning. Location: The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference at Toronto, Canada.
Link to article: 2019 AERA How do students experience math?
What is math?
As part of our research, we asked students 'What is math? How would you describe it?' hoping to get insight into what students believe math is. After getting a couple hundred responses, we compiled the student definitions into a word cloud to visualize the most commonly used words.
Poster Presented at PME-NA 2018
Our team presented a poster at the 2018 conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education Association (PME-NA), focusing on factors that influence student mathematical dispositions. Please click here to view.