In The News

Is a Fiber Supplement Just as Good as Fiber From Food? by Sophie Egan. New York Times. Ask Well. July 9, 2024

Fiber in Children’s Foods Warrants a Closer Look by Dr. Wendelyn Jones. Food Processing. June 12, 2024

Added Dietary Fiber’s Health Effects in Children Warrants Closer Look by Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences. newswise. March 12, 2024

Nutrition for Healthy Aging by Stephanie Rotondo. Inside Sargent 2022-2023

Why Porridge and Other Wholegrain Foods Could Be the Key to a Healthy Midlife Diet in 2022 by Amira Arasteh. The Telegraph. May 17, 2022

Q. I’ve Noticed That a Lot of Food Packages Boast the Product Has Extra Fiber. Are Added Fibers as Good for Us as Natural? by Nicola McKeown, Ph.D. Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter. October 20, 2021

Greater Whole Grain Intake May Reduce Cardiovascular Risk Factors by Timothy Huzar. Medical News Today. July 14, 2021

Meet the Superfood Experts Say Could Help Manage Weight and Lower Blood Pressure by Sandee LaMotte. WLWT. July 14, 2021

Add This Superfood to your Diet to Help Manage Weight and Lower Blood Pressure by Sandee LaMotte. CNN Health. July 13, 2021

People Who Drink This Super Common Beverage Are Taking Years off Their Life by CW Headley. The Ladders. March 4, 2020

How Sugary Drinks Could Raise Heart Disease Risk by Maria Cohut, Ph.D. Medical News Today. March 3, 2020

How Sugary Drinks Can Affect Cholesterol Levels and Heart Health by George Citroner. Healthline. February 26, 2020

Sugary Drinks a Sour Choice for Adults Trying to Maintain Normal Cholesterol Levels by Audrey Laganas Jenkins. Tufts Now. February 26, 2020

These Are the Best High-Fiber Foods, According to Experts by Markham Heid. TIME. October 18, 2018

Fake Fiber? Good for Health… or Selling Junk? by Bonnie Liebman. Nutrition Action Healthletter. June 2018.