An Act Extending Simulcasting Memorandum 1. Procedural History and Bill Versions H. 4062 History H. 4315 History H. 4323 History 2. Committee Documents House Journals: Nov. 18, 2009 Senate Journals: May 17, 2007 July 19, 2007 July 30, 2007 September 20, 2007 3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents Snapshot of the Massachusetts Greyhound Industry […]
1. Procedural History and Bill Versions Final Law H1876 H2870 Budget Amendment 2. Committee Documents 3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents Hearing Testimony Press Releases 4. Executive Action Documents 5. Press Reports (links only) Patriot Ledger: GUEST COMMENTARY: Antiquated DMR name long overdue for change By: Sen. Fred Berry, Sen. Karen Spilka and […]
An Act Adopting the Federal Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 Memorandum 1. Procedural History and Bill Versions Bill texts Bill history and testimony 2. Committee Documents House and Senate Journals: 3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents 4. Executive Action Documents 5. Press Reports (links only)
An Act Relative to an Appeal Process of Insurance Premium Surcharges Under Managed Competition Memorandum 1. Procedural History and Bill Versions Act and History Amendments 2. Committee Documents House Journal Senate Journal Joint Committee on Financial Services Hearing Testimony from March 18, 2009 Statements 3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents Massachusetts statutes affected Reports, […]
An Act Relative to Health Information and Communication Practitioners Memorandum 1. Procedural History and Bill Versions H466 Final Text 2. Committee Documents 3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents Avni P. Patel Testimony The Commonwealth Fund: State Scorecard on Health System Performance, 2009: Chartpack The Commonwealth Fund: Aiming Higher – Results from a State Scorecard […]
An Act Expanding the Governors Authority to Address Deficiencies in Revenue Memo 1. Procedural History and Bill Versions H96 H98 Final text 2. Committee Documents House Journal Jan. 8, 2009 3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents 4. Executive Action Documents 5. Press Reports (links only) The Boston Globe: State deficit may hit $1b […]
An Act Providing for the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Memorandum 1. Procedural History and Bill Versions Final text H174 H4262 2. Committee Documents 3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents Testimony Fact Sheets 4. Executive Action Documents 5. Press Reports (links only)
An Act Providing for the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Memorandum 1. Procedural History and Bill Versions History and Bill Summary and Drafts Act Drafted by National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws Prefatory Note 2. Committee Documents House Journal Senate Journal 3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents Testimony and Letters Audubon […]
An Act Providing for Economic Recovery Through Broadband Initiatives Memorandum 1. Procedural History and Bill Versions H4076 H4158 2. Committee Documents House Journals: April 27, 2009 May 20, 2009 July 2, 2009 July 14, 2009 Senate Journals: April 30, 2009 July 14, 2009 3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents 4. Executive Action Documents 5. […]
An Act Extending Simulcasting Memorandum 1. Procedural History and Bill Versions Bill 2. Committee Documents 3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents Letters-1-2 4. Executive Action Documents Governor press release 5. Press Reports (links only) State House News Service: STATE CAPITOL BRIEFS – THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2008 State House News Service: SENATE SESSION – […]