Policy Writing
I have written more than 200 articles on education policy topics in a variety of national and local publications. Below is a list and links to some recent publications in the popular press by policy topic.
School Choice
The NAACP’s campaign to smear charter schools. Washington Examiner
Betsy DeVos, school choice is great, but don’t ignore charter schools. Dallas Morning News
In Florida, school performance has risen with vouchers for disabled students. National Review Online
Cream-skimming is not driving Charter’s success in New York City. City and State: New York
The promise of special education vouchers. National Affairs
Debunking the charter school attrition myth in New York City. City and State: New York
Simplifying access to charter schools. Denver Post
Why charters serve fewer English learners. New York Daily News
The myth about the special education gap. Education Next
De Blasio’s Renewal Schools are helping a bit, but not compared to far less costly alternatives. New York Daily News
Renewal mayoral control, no strings attached. New York Daily News
How “F” grades improve schools. Real Clear Education
Florida defeats the skeptics. Education Next
Teacher Pensions
How young teachers pay for those who won’t budge. Wall Street Journal
Modernizing teacher pensions. (with Josh McGee) National Affairs
The hidden bill young teachers pay. US News and World Report
Teacher Quality
How to grade teachers. National Affairs
Chicago teachers balk at accountability. USA Today