Category: Libre Blog

Interviews Almost Complete: Only a Few More Burn Surivors Needed!

August 7th, 2014

We’ve busy over at the LIBRE project, completing interviews with some amazing burn survivors. The interest from burn survivors in our project has blown us away and we feel so fortunate for the insightful, honest feedback we’ve received so far in these interviews.

That being said, we can still take a few more burn survivors to conduct interviews! We’re hoping to finish interviews by the end of August. If you’re interested in participating, you can find more information on the Become Involved page and contact us if you’d like to participant.

Burn Survivor Interviews Have Begun

May 22nd, 2014

LIBRE is currently recruiting burn survivors to take part in one-on-one interviews.  Participants will test questions that may be included in the final LIBRE measurement tool. See here for more details.

4 Focus Groups Completed!

May 22nd, 2014

During March 2014, LIBRE held 4 focus groups with burn survivors and clinicians. Feedback provided by these focus groups is currently being used to help develop the LIBRE measurement tool. This ensures that the questions asked in tool accurately reflect the burn recovery experience.

A great deal of gratitude goes out to everyone who participated in our focus groups! It is only through the help and support of the burn community that the LIBRE tool can be a success.

Lewis Kazis Gives Presentation at ABA Meeting

March 25th, 2014

In March 2014, Lewis Kazis, ScD, principal investigator for the LIBRE project, presented an overview of LIBRE’s measurement tool at the American Burn Association Annual Meeting in Boston, MA.  To see a copy of the presentations go here.