Deepak Kumar, PT, PhD (Director) |
Yiwen Yang (BS/DPT Student) |
Ehyun Kim (Lab Manager) |
Hosea Boakye (Doctoral Student) |
Dilinazi Duolikun (Graduate Student) |
Alumni (role in the lab -> current role)
Soyoung Lee, PhD (Doctoral student -> Postdoc at University of Maryland)
Michele Okamura (BS/DPT Student)
Jason Dolinsky (UROP scholar)
Nirali Shah, PT, MPT (Doctoral student -> Postdoc at University of Michigan)
Benjamin Senderling, MS, MBA (Lab Manager -> PhD student at Drexel University)
Gavin Yu (MS Student)
Mary Gheller, MS (Project Manager)
James Kim (MD student)
Anushka Rathi (UROP student -> PhD student at University of Michigan)
Baekdong Cha, PhD (Postdoc -> Scientist at Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials)
Cassandra Duda (Intern)
Kerry Costello, PhD (Postdoc -> Assistant Professor at University of Florida)
Michael Rose, BS (Research Assistant -> PhD student at UCLA)
Shunzhi Ye (BS/DPT Student)
Brian Friscia, MS (Lab Manager -> Seles Representative at Visible Body)
Kaveh Torabian, MS (MS Student-> MD student at Rush University)
Daniel Chan, MS (MS Student-> DO student at NYIT)
Samantha Eigenbrot, MS (Doctoral Student)
Alex Geronimo, MS (Lab Manager-> Software Engineer at Delsys)
Akshat Mehta, DPT (BS/DPT Student -> PT)
Sofia Espinosa, MS (MS Student -> MD student at SUNY Buffalo)
Bona Lee, BS (UROP Student-> DO student at Nova Southeastern University)
Cameron Nurse, BS (UROP Student-> PhD student at Vanderbilt)
Yvonne Lin, BS (UROP Student)
Timothy Willard, BS (UROP Student)
Victoria Brus, BS (UROP Student)
Megan Lee, DPT (DPT Student)
Julie Osipow, DPT (DPT Student-> PT)
Jiten Patel, BS (UROP Student)
Sara Atkinson, OTD (OT Student)
Lauren Heitkamp, MS (Program Coordinator)
Frequent Collaborators
Tuhina Neogi, MD, PhD, Boston University
David Felson, MD, MPH, Boston University
Michael P. LaValley, PhD, Boston University
Belinda Borrelli, PhD, Boston University
Tim McAlindon, MD, Tufts University
Steve Messier, PhD, Wake Forest University
Meryem Yücel, PhD, Boston University