SOUL study
SOcial gUn cuLture
Tell us your opinion on guns, gun violence and gun culture?
Please click here to take the survey
This CONFIDENTIAL RESEARCH STUDY examines the knowledge and attitudes regarding guns, gun violence and gun culture in the US. We do NOT collect personal contact information.
Gun violence claims >33,000 American lives per year. Additionally, another 82,000 will be shot and will survive these injuries, only to suffer several health consequences including multiple hospitalizations, emergency visits, premature mortality and several other health and mental outcomes.
What we are studying:
This confidential research study documents and analyses what you think about guns and gun violence in the US, including:
- Your exposure to gun violence
- Your thoughts about personal safety and social responsibility
- Your thoughts about gun ownership
- Your understanding about gun violence in the US
- Your thoughts about guns and gun laws
You are eligible to participate if you are:
- Currently living in the US
- 18 years of age or above
- Willing to tell us the year of your birth
- Willing you tell us the zip code and state you live in now.
What you may win:
$25 Amazon gift card upon completion of the survey
Please click here to take the survey
Scan the barcode below to take the survey