NS545: Electromagnetism and Physical Optics

NS 545/SC 545 Concepts in Physics VI: Electromagnetism and Physical Optics

Physics content: Accelerating charges, electromagnetic induction, AC circuits, resonance, and physical optics.

Philosophy and History of Physics: History of electromagnetism.

Physics Education Research: Misconceptions about electromagnetism.

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NS 545 Concepts in Physics VI: Electromagnetic Induction and Physical Optics

In-Class: Session 1: Magnetic Induction- Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Law.

Sections from Cutnell & Johnson: 22.1 – 22.4, 22.10
Laboratory experiment: “Faraday’s Law”
Laboratory experiment: Investigating the interactions between a magnet and a coil connected to a galvanometer.

At-Home: Session 2: Mathematics and Problem-Solving: Typical Faraday’s Law problems.

Reading assignment for next session:

  • Toulmin, Stephen & Goodfield, June. ‘The classical synthesis’ (Chapter 11, Radiation and Fields of Force: 249 – 260). The architecture of matter. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962.
  • Shamos: “Michael Faraday: Electromagnetic Induction and…”, pp 128 – 146

Online Discussion:

  • Lenz’s Law
  • Faraday’s Conception of Magnetism
  • Electromagnetic Devices

In-Class: Session 3: Motional emf and eddy currents.

Sections from Cutnell & Johnson: 22.5-22.9
Philosophy/History/Education Research: The mechanical view of electromagnetic phenomena.
Laboratory experiment: Eddy currents, Generating electricity
Applications: Electromagnetic devices

At-Home: Session 4: Generators and Motors

Explore: A generator and a motor; a transformer.
Mathematics and Problem-Solving: Ideal transformers.
Applications: Power generation and transmission.
Faraday’s and Maxwell’s conception of magnetism
Reading: handout from Purrington on Faraday and Maxwell…to be announced.

In-Class: Session 5: Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves.

Sections from Cutnell & Johnson: Chapter 24.
Laboratory experiment: “Polarized light”
Mathematics and Problem-Solving: Solving problems using Malus’ law.
Philosophy/History/Education Research: Faraday’s and Maxwell’s of E&M

At-Home: Session 6: Electromagnetic Waves cont.

Applications: Radio and television; microwave ovens, Radar detectors;
The Doppler shift as a tool in Astronomy.
Online Discussion:
Formulation of Maxwell’s Equations: Differential, Integral, Verbal

In-Class: Session 7: The polarization and interference of light.

Sections from Cutnell & Johnson: 27.1-27.10
Laboratory experiment: “Interference and Diffraction”
Philosophy/History/Education Research: Wave theories of light: Young’s experiment and Fresnel transverse waves.
Mathematics and Problem-Solving: Solving problems involving single and double slits.

Reading assignment:

  • Newton. “The second book of Opticks”. In Opticks or a treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of light. pp. 193 – 208 (through obs. 12); 279-282. NewYork: Dover, 1952.
  • Ibid, Query 28 & 29, pages 362- 374

At-Home: Session 8: The polarization and interference of light continued

Reading assignment

  • Huygens, Christian. Treatise on light. pp. 10 – 22. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955.
  • Young. ‘The interference of light.” In Shamos (Ed.) Great experiments in physics. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1959.
  • Whitaker, E. “The luminous medium from Bradley to Fresnel”. pp. 101 -108; 114 – 117. In A history of the theories of aether and electricity. The classical theories. New York: Thomas Nelson and Son, 1952.

In-Class: Session 9: Thin-film interference.

Sections from Cutnell & Johnson: 27.3, 27.10
Philosophy/History/Education Research: Huygens and Newton’s theory of light.
Demonstrations: Various thin films.
Applications: Soap bubbles; non-reflective coatings.

At-Home: Session 10: Thin-film interference continued.

Reading assignment:

  • Serouglou, F; Koumaras, P. and Tselfes, V.’History of science and instructional design: the case of electromagnetism’. Science and Education &: 261-280, 1998.
  • Hickey, R and Schibeci, R.A. ‘ The attraction of magnetism’. Phys. Educ. 34(6) November, 1999.
  • Tornkvist, S., Pettersson, K.A., and Transtomer, G. ‘Confusion by representation: on student’s comprehension of the electric field concept.’ Am.J. Phys. 61 (4), April, 1993.
  • Rainson, S. , Trnastromer, G. and Viennot, L. ‘ Student’s understanding of superposition of electric fields.’ Am. J. Phys. 62 (11), November, 1994.

In-Class: Session 11: Introduction to AC Circuits and RLC Resonance.

Sections from Cutnell & Johnson: 22.9, 23.1 – 23.7
Philosophy/History/Education Research: Wave theories of light: Young’s experiment and Fresnel transverse waves..
Laboratory experiment: “RL Circuits”,“Introduction to AC Circuits” and “RLC Circuits”
Mathematics and Problem-Solving: Using exponentials, Applying the impedance triangle.

At-Home: Session 12: AC Circuits and RLC Resonance Continued.

AC Circuits Projects: Develop a lesson plan that involves an AC circuits project and incorporates Conceptual History and the Physics Education Research discussed in the class.

In-Class: Session 13: Presentations

Presentation of Student Projects
At Home Final Exam


Selections from primary sources

Huygens, C. (1955). Treatise on light. (pp. 10 – 22). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Faraday, M. (1959). Electromagnetic induction and laws of electrolysis. In Shamos, M. (Ed.) Great experiments in physics. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Young,T. (1959) The interference of light. In Shamos, M. (Ed.) Great experiments in physics. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Newton, I. (1952) The second book of Opticks. In Opticks or a treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of light. (pp. 193 – 208 through obs. 12; 279-282). New York: Dover.

Selections from secondary sources

Toulmin, S. & Goodfield, J. (1962).The classical synthesis (chapter 3). In The architecture of matter. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Tricker, R.A.R. (1962) Early electrodynamics. In The first law of circulation. London: Pergamon Press.

Whitaker, E. (1952) The luminous medium from Bradley to Fresnel. In A history of the theories of aether and electricity. The classical theories. (pp. 101 -108; 114 – 117). New York: Thomas Nelson and Son Co.

Selections from Physics Education Research Literature

Serouglou, F; Koumaras, P. and Tselfes, V. (1998). History of science and instructional design: the case of electromagnetism. Science and Education 7, 261-280.

Hickey, R and Schibeci, R.A. (1999). The attraction of magnetism. Phys. Educ. 34 (6), 383-388.

Tornkvist, S., Pettersson, K.A., and Transtomer, G. (1993) Confusion by representation: on student’s comprehension of the electric field concept. Am. J. Phys. 61 (4), 335-338.

Ambrose, B.S., Heron, S. V., and McDermott, L.C. (1999) Student understanding of light as an electromagnetic wave: relating the formalism to physical phenomena. Am. J. Phys. 67(10), 891 – 898.

Cavichi, E. (1997). Experimenting with magnetism: ways of learning of Joann and Faraday. Am. J. Phys. 65 (9), 867-882.