Talal Asad Chapters Available

September 27th, 2013

The next meeting of the IRRN Brownbag will be Wednesday, October 23 from 12:30 to 1:30 at the Judaic Studies Library (147 Bay State Rd). Please join us for pizza from Otto’s and some lively discussion of 4 chapters of Talal Asad’s Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity facilitated by Professor Gina Cogan from the Religion Department.

The chapters are available below. They link to a public Dropbox file from which you can download them as PDFs. Please prepare a few questions or ideas to bring along with you to the discussion.

We’ll also leave some time at the end of our meeting to think about how to utilize our next rendezvous in November. Bring suggestions for further readings or discussion topics.

Introduction: Thinking About Secularism

Chapter 1: What Might an Anthropology of Secularism Look Like?

Chapter 5: Muslims as a “Religious Minority” in Europe

Chapter 6: Secularism, Nation-State, Religion

See you on October 23!