Instructions for Presenters
Your presentation video should be available on the conference platform, Whova, where you will also find the abstract, a chat forum for the asynchronous Q&A, and a Zoom link for the live Q&A. People can submit questions at any time on Whova, and you are free to answer those in that forum if you like. At your designated time, please join the Zoom room for a live discussion. A moderator will help select questions for you to answer. Those questions might come from the live audience (via the “raise hand” feature on Zoom, or the Zoom chat) or from Whova.
Poster presentations will have a joint Q&A session, where audience members can ask questions to about any of the posters in that session.
There will not be time allotted in the schedule for viewing presentations. However, the videos will be available to all attendees for at least three months.