HackHardware FAQs
Who can attend?
HackHardware is open to all undergraduate and graduate students at BU, irrespective of their major.
What events does HackHardware have?
HackHardware organizes hackathons, workshops, guest lectures, technical demonstrations, and other events. We provide students with opportunities to participate in engineering projects and learn about specific hardware and software topics.
What are tracks?
In HackHardware’s hackathons, you choose one event track to participate in. Each track contains a different assignment to be completed during the hackathon. HackHardware offers both software and hardware tracks at various levels of technical difficulty, from beginner to intermediate to advanced.
How do I choose a track?
In our HackHardware applications, you can choose the track that you are interested in! If you wish to change your track, you have until two weeks before HackHardware commences to email
hackh@bu.edu to change your track.
Will HackHardware be online or in-person?
HackHardware will be 100% in-person this year!