Upcoming Coffee & Conversation Virtual Meetup: Grad Supervisor Relationship!
Upcoming Event!
Virtual Coffee & Conversation
Topic: The All-important Graduate Supervisor Relationship!
July 3 | 3:00 – 4:00pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 915 5703 8779 | Password: gradSWE
The Boston University Chapter of Graduate Society of Women Engineers is hosting virtual coffee chat throughout summer 2020. Our next meeting will be on 3rd of July 2020 at 3 pm EST! Our next topic of conversation will be “The all-important graduate supervisor relationship”. Join us for an insightful conversation. Everyone is welcome! Post your questions and RSVP at our facebook event!
Graduate Advisors play a crucial role in the graduate student experience. There are many styles of supervision that are adopted – varying depending on type of research and subject area. See below a compilation of the “Types of Graduate Advisors”, by J.R.R.Tolkien. Swipe right to see each supervisor type in detail (Genders match the original characters).