Karen Murray
Head of Property Services Connswater Homes
Karen has worked in the field of Housing for the last 13 years and for the past 5 years as Head of Property Services., Karen works for Connswater Homes who are the first housing association in Northern Ireland to have all staff trained in Restorative practice. As part of her ongoing development she has completed the stars training and introduction to mediation training. This has proved useful in her career allowing her to deal with tenants in a professional and caring manner incorporating restorative practices into her everyday working environment.
Throughout her working life Karen spent 10 years in the Community and Voluntary Sector in Northern Ireland specialising in Women and Community Education, this work was carried out in a socially deprived area of East Belfast where she co-ordinated training, political awareness, and
childcare. Most of the courses she co-ordinated were with single parents and not only did this provide training and education but childcare. This proved to be a very successful part of her career and helped local women progress with lifelong learning and obtain employment to enhance their
future and that of their children.