Category: Alumni

Alumna profile: Karoline Boehm-Goodnick

by Erin Carlman Weber When Karoline Boehm-Goodnick took a sharp detour from her plan to be a lawyer, she encountered some accurate pessimists. “Everyone was so negative when I told them I was going to culinary school. And everything they said—that you’re not going to make any money, that you always have to work holidays—it’s […]

Alumna profile: Irene Costello

by Khalilah Ramdene What does it take to grow a successful food business? Ask Gastronomy alum Irene Costello, and she’ll tell you it requires dedication to an idea and not being afraid to ask for help. Costello is one half of Effie’s Homemade, a successful packaged food company that has garnered a list of impressive […]