Congratulating Our January Graduates
Please join us in congratulating our nine January graduates!
A perusal of their masters projects reveals the breadth, depth, and diversity of our student interests — from studies of cuisine and identity to food and art to sophisticated, yet practical, resources for food-focused teaching and business endeavors.
Lauren Bennett
“Baking in God’s Kitchen: Confectionery Production from Sicilian Convents to a Massachusetts Abbey”
Lilly Jan
“Cuisine and Identity in Taiwan: Assimilation and Preservation Post 1949”
Megan Jones Wall
“Great Masters & Food Styling: Transforming Food Still Lifes Into Modern Photography”
Ashmi Patel
“A Taste of France in Boston: Business Plan and Analysis for French Patisserie”
Nicole Rose Petricca
“Berkshire Baby Food”
Avi Schlosburg
“The Theory and Practice of Food Studies at the High School Level: A Resource Guide”
Priya Shah
“From Mandaps to Huppahs: Ceremonial Procedures and Catering Approaches for an Interfaith Marriage”
Renee Sheppard
“Faith, Hope and Charity: An Operations Manual for the Roslindale Food Pantry”
Molly Elizabeth Siciliano
“Business Plan and Theoretical Framework for Fork in Hand Catering Company”