Category: News
Congrats to Kathryn Devaney for receiving NSF grant!
Katie has received an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship award for her proposal “Mindfulness Meditation Training Effects in the Human Cortical Visual Attention Network: Assessment with Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Experts and Novices.” Congratulations, Katie!
Sam Michalka receives NRSA predoctoral award
Sam has been awarded an NRSA (Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellows) award for her project titled "Dynamic Recruitment of the Lateral Frontal Cortex in Vision and Audition." Congratulations, Sam!
Congrats to Dan Bireley and Emily Levin for receiving summer UROP funding!
Dan and Emily have both received summer funding from the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). Emily's project is titled "Investigating Attentional Networks in Naive versus Expert Meditators Using Functional Imaging," and Dan's project is "Functional MRI Investigations of Attentional Network Switching Mechanisms using Cortical-Surface Searchlight Analysis."
Kathryn Devaney awarded BBC program Dean’s Fellowship
Katie has been awarded the Brain, Behavior and Cognition program Dean's Fellowship, awarded to only one incoming student per year. Congrats Katie!
Sam Michalka receives Dean’s Fellowship
Congratulations to Sam for receiving a Dean's Fellowship!