
“Democracy is a project that depends upon civic engagement.” – Dr. Timothy Snyder, author of On Tyranny, . excerpted from an interview on The 11th hour, hosted by Brian Williams, MSNBC on June 11, 2021.


On behalf of Dr. David Chard, Dean of BU-Wheelock, the faculty, and several teams from across the university (identified below)–and this planning team: Drs. Stephanie Cox Suárez, Eleonora Villegas-Reimers, Kaylene Stevens, and yours truly–I’d like to thank you, the attendees, for  your commitment to the cause of fairness and justice  and its necessity in a democratic society as evidenced by your willingness to engage with similarly motivated individuals from across the world. Without you, this event would not have been possible. To all of our colleagues on the faculty and staff at BU, and to our community partners who listened, offered advice, and/or participated in preliminary conversations, thank you for your generosity, your expertise and courage to address these seemingly intractable issues. We deeply appreciate all of your insights.     

Dr. Felicity A. Crawford, BU-Wheelock College of Education and Human Development


To the Moderators of the symposium: Thank you for willingness to offer your talents and your time.  We deeply appreciate your leadership.
Combating structural racism and child poverty
Dr. Marilyn Augustyn Combatting structural racism and child poverty
Amy O’Leary Child Health & Family Food Security and Housing Stability
Dr. Ruth Paris Racial Equity in the early years & Equity through play
Promoting Institutional Equity and Mental Wellness
Willie Rodriguez, J.D., When is policing a problem?
Dr. Fadie Coleman Is Science neutral?
Dr. Martha Vibbert Mental wellness and resiliency
Dr. Rocio Chang Angulo No name, no power: New name, new power
Dr. Ellie Friedland Race, prison, justice: Illuminating stories through the arts
Dr. Melisa Osborne &

Ms. Barkha Shaw

Picture a scientist
Facilitating Civic Engagement and Social Change
Dr. Kaylene Stevens What does it take to facilitate social change?
Dr. Rebekah Louis Systemic issues: Disability, race, access
Dr. Elsa Wiehe Subverting silences, absences, and distortions: Decolonizing the curriculum through African Studies
To our institutional and community partners, your support matters. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us and for raising questions that allowed to consider the current context more carefully 
Montgomery, Meghan 3-L Place
Amy O’Leary Strategies for All
Fear, Marisa Strategies for All
Dr. Meyers, Alan Haitian Health Center
Dr. Prudent, Nicole Haitian Health Center
Jamieson, Scott Director of Faculty Recruiting  & Hiring at Landmark School
Dr. Kathleen McDonough Curry College
Daly, Ceronne Managing Director of the Office of Recruitment, Cultivation, and  Diversity Programs, Boston Public Schools
Martin, Rashaun Educators of Color Cultivation & Retention Specialist, Boston Public Schools

Dr. Christine Copeland

Principal, John F. Kennedy Elementary School

Heidi Cook

Principal, Maria L. Baldwin School, Cambridge Public School

Johnny Cole

Director of Equity and Student Support, Lexington Public School

Dr. Jessica Boston-Davis

Somerville Public Schools, Director of Equity and Excellence

Joseph Corazzini


Fox Tree, Claudia A. M.Ed.

Assistant Superintendent, Framingham Public Schools


Professional Educator and Social Justice Activist, Center for Native American Awareness

To the faculty and clinicians in the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, thank you for meeting with us monthly. We are moved by your commitment and your readiness to do what it takes to facilitate change. 

Dr. Augustyn, Marilyn – Director, Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

Dr. Boynton-Jarrett, Renée

Dr. Christiansen, Audrey

Dr. Elansary, Mei

Dr. Frank, Deborah

Dr. Jacobs, Ruth Rose

Dr. King, Alyssa

Dr. Kuhn, Jocelyn

Dr. McConnico, Neena

Dr. Vibbert, Martha

To the Staff and Faculty & Students of BU Wheelock, who attended preliminary meetings related to the development of the program, thank you for offering your suggestions, raising questions, and for supporting us. Your input helped us to clarify our ideas. Thank you.
Dr. Adelebu, Detris Applied Human Development (AHD)
Dr. Akoury, Paul Field Education
Dr. Amato, Felice Art Education, CFA
Dr. Baker, Megina Early Childhood Education
Dr. Banks- Santilli, Linda Special Education, Associate Dean of Education
Dr. Benoit, Gregory Math Education
Dr. Bien, Andrea Elementary Education
Dr. Chard, David Special Education, Dean, BU-Wheelock
Dr. Clarke, Leland Fine Arts
Dr. Cox Suárez, Stephanie Special Education
Dr. Curenton, Stephanie Educational Leadership and Policy, Center on The Ecology of Early Development
Dr. Donna H. Lehr Special Education
Dr. Durand, Tina Applied Human Development: Program Director, Psychology
Dr. Eleonora Villegas Reimers Elementary Education
Dr. Elizaebth Bettini Special Education
Dr. Faszewski, Ellen Science Education
Dr. Fernandez, Raul Educational Leadership and Policy
Dr. Forzani, Elena Literacy
Dr. Frankel, Katherine Literacy Education
Dr. Friedland, Ellie Early Childhood Education
Dr. Grills, Amie Counseling Psychology: Assoc. Dean
Dr. Harayama, Nancy Special Education, Program Director
Dr. Hope Scott, Joyce African American Studies
Dr. Jackson, Davena English Education
Dr. Jennifer Greif Green Special Education
Dr. Jimenez, Laura Language & Literacy, Associate Dean: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Dr. Jones, Nathan Special Education
Dr. Kim, Grace Counseling Psychology
Dr. Lehr, Donna Special Education
Dr. Leider, Christine Bilingual Ed. & TESOL
Dr. Lovell, Ryan Office of Field Placement
Dr. Louis, Rebekah Special Education
Dr. McKenzie, Thomas, J. Science Education
Mindaye, Linda (graduate student in Teach for America.) Special Education
Dr. Murphy, Karen Early Childhood
Dr. Nathan Jones Science Education
Dr. Olivares, Maria Literacy
Dr. Paris, Ruth Social Work
Dr. Pedro, Portia Law School
Dr. Rebekah Louis Language Ed
Dr. Ritz, Catherine Modern Foreign Language
Dr. Rockers, Peter School of Public Health (Global Health)
Dr. Rodriguez, William Youth Justice & Advocacy
Dr. Rosetti, Zachary Special Education
Dr. Salinas, Alejandra Math Education
Dr. Stevens Petrin, Kaylene Social Studies
Dr. Tarullo Carillo, Andrea Psychological and Brain Sciences
Dr. Tichnor-Wagner, Ariel Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Dr. Tucker-Raymond, Eli Literacy
Dr. Vibbert, Martha BU School of Medicine
Dr. Warren, Beth Early Center for Learning and Innovation
Dr. Weihe, Elsa


Dr. Kanno, Yasuko

Outreach Manager, African Studies Center, Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University

Language and Literacy Education




*Professor Debbie Watters, Director Restorative Justice, Peacekeeping, Equity Northern Ireland Alternatives & Ulster University
Moisès Fernández Via Music, Founding Director, Arts Lab @ Med Campus Boston University School of Music/College of Fine Arts
Dr. Lucy Marcil Pediatrician Boston University School of Medicine
Dr. Megan Sandel Pediatrician BU School of Medicine
Dr. Renée Boynton-Jarrett Pediatrician, Social Epidemiologist BU School of Medicine
Dr. Deborah A. Frank Pediatrician BU School of Medicine, Founder: Grow Clinic; Founder and Principal Investigator: Children’s HealthWatch
Timothy Hintz (LICSW)

Dr. Ettinger de Cuba, Stephanie

Social Work

Executive Director: Children’s HealthWatch

Brookline Public Schools

Boston University School of Medicine

Dr. Ruth Paris Social Work Boston University
Dr. Martha Vibbert Clinical Psychologist Boston University School of Medicine
Dr. Ellie Friedland Early Childhood BU Wheelock
Dr. Stephanie Curenton Education Leadership and Policy Studies BU Wheelock
Dr. Jennifer Greif Green Clinical Psychologist BU Wheelock
*Rahsaan Hall, J.D., Racial Justice Program American Civil Liberties Union, Massachusetts (ACLU)
Rachael Rollins, J.D. District Attorney District Attorney, Suffolk County
Dr. Adam Labadorf Assistant Professor, Bioinformatics/ Neurology BU School of Medicine
Dr. Theresa Rueger Molecular Evolution Boston University
Dr. Lenora Crabtree Science Education University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Dr. Alejandra Salinas Mathematics Education Boston University, Mathematics Education
Dr. Melisa Osborne Biology / Bioinformatics Boston University
Dr. Obi Onochie Biochemistry City Lab, Boston University
Dr. Christopher Schmitt Anthropology & Biology Boston University
Dr. Colin Depradine,

Dr. Leah Garner O’Neale

Dr. Browne, Chesterfield

Computer Science, Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology

Organic Chemistry

Technology Specialist (retired)


University of The West Indies, Cave Hill

University of the West Indies, Cave Hill

Higher Education Development Unit, Ministry of Education, Barbados

Julia Bott Principal Ellis Mendell School, Boston Public Schools
Dr. Shannon Varga Research and Evaluation CERES Institute for Children and Youth, Boston University
Dr. Neena McConnico Clinical Psychologist Child Witness to Violence Project, Boston University
Dr. Michelle Durham Psychiatry Boston University School of Medicine
Dr. Genevieve Preer Pediatrician Ambulatory Care Services, Boston University School of Medicine
Elizabeth Egan, LICSW Social Work Boston University School of Medicine
Dr. Kính T.Vū Music Boston University, College of Fine Arts
Carmen Noroña, LICSW Social Work Boston University School of Medicine
Dr. André de Quadros Music / Music Education Boston University, African Studies Center
Judith Epstein-Fisher, MFA, Directing Directing and Acting MFA, Boston University
Dr. Stacy Scott Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Boston University
Dr. Sandra McEvoy Political Science and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program Boston University
Dr. Kaylene Stevens Social Studies Education Boston University
Dr. Hardin Coleman Counseling Psychology & Applied Human Development Boston University
Alexandra Oscar-Dávila Executive Director Sociedad Latina
Dr. Joyce Hope Scott African American Studies Boston University
Dr. Robert Bellinger History Suffolk University
Debora Heard Anthropology University of Chicago
Dr. Meghan Healy-Clancy Social History Bridgewater State University
Susan X Jane Diversity Educator, Trainer Navigators Consulting

To the faculty in Deaf Studies, thank you for taking the time to meet with us and to freely make suggestions.

Professor Bottoms, Andrew

Dr. Caselli, Naomi

Glenn-Smith, Emily

Lieberman, Amy

To the faculty in the College of Fine Arts, we deeply appreciate your enthusiasm for the project and for our collaboration.

Jean, Ruth L., Associate Dean, Academic Programs and Enrollment

Dr. Amato, Felice

Clancy, Dana

Epstein-Fisher, Judith

Dr. De Quadros, Andre

Dr. Vũ, Kính Tiến 

Dr. Bourgault, Rébecca

To the faculty and staff in Biology / Bioinformatics, Science Education with whom we have met  every week since November 8, 2020, a heartfelt thank you. Your dedication and your continual search for accuracy exemplifies the very approach we would like to continue to model for us all. Here is to our continued collaboration.

Dr. Osborne, Melisa

Dr. Rueger, Theresa

Dr. Labadorf, Adam

Dr. McKenna, Thomas J.

Dr. Schmitt, Christopher

Ms. Shah, Barkha

Dr. Wasserman, Frederick

Dr. Celeza, John L. “Chip”


To the Biology Antiracist Committee (CAS), thank you for inviting us into your meetings.


To the faculty in Anthropology, thank you for your willingness to partner with us! We look forward to numerous opportunities to grow together.

Dr. Arkin, Kimberly

Dr. Schmitt, Christopher

To the faculty and Staff in African American Studies, your support means the world to us.

Dr. Chude-Sokei, Louis

Dr. Hope Scott, Joyce

Dr. Weihe, Elsa – African Studies Center K-16 Education Program Manager

To the faculty and staff in the following Centers and Institutes, thank you for your support.

Wheelock Center for Policy

Aspire Center

Earl Center for Innovation

Institute for Early Childhood Well-Being

BU School of Social Work




Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Language and Literacy

Applied Human Development

Center on the Ecology of Early Development

Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Boston University School of Medicine

To the Centers and Institutes that co-sponsored this event, we could not have done this without your support. On behalf of Dean Chard at BU Wheelock, thank you. 

Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Boston University School of Medicine

College of Fine Arts

Aspire Institute

BU School of Social Work

Office of the Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Center on the Ecology of Early Development



To the team that was responsible for supporting the implementation of the project, your support was immeasurable. Thank you.

Alexis Monroe

Maryellen Maddaio

Isabella Salvatti

Sophia Romero