
Paper accepted at 47th IEEE PVSC

By Xuyao DuanMarch 2nd, 2020in News

Title of the paper is “Environmental durability of the Electrodynamic Screen (EDS) film as a self – cleaning technology for photovoltaic modules and concentrated solar mirrors to Mitigate energy yield loss caused by soiling.” The conference will be held on June 14-19, 2020, at Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Paper accepted at MRS Spring 2020

By Xuyao DuanMarch 2nd, 2020in News

Title of the paper is “Lamination of Prototype Transparent Electrodynamic Screen Films for Their Industrial Production and Application to Self-Cleaning Photovoltaic Modules and Concentrated Solar Power Mirrors.” The conference will be held on April 13-17, 2020, at Phoenix, Arizona.