Vandenberg Podcast Assignment


Podcast Assignment:   The Rhetoric of Remembering and Memorializing

(you should have already installed Adobe Creative Could and downloaded Audition Adobe CC @ BUI Overview   Adobe CC Download)

Step 1: Review the PPT on how to set up Microphones and Begin Recording

Step 2:  Prepare. Do the readings on the syllabus ahead of discussion due dates/take notes. Listen to the following podcasts/read the following articles (links on Bb under Additional Readings):

  1. Rieff available as an article and a podcast at
  2. Gourevitch “Memory is a Disease” –interview at
  3. Cohen on Bb “At Museum on 9/11, Talking Through an Identity Crisis”
  4. Gourevitch 12 min podcast on Rwanda @
  5. Steve Kandell “Exit Through the Gift Shop”
  6. “Get Outta Here” podcast on new lynching museum and memorial
  7. NPR interview with New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu
  8. Read any articles you can find from the last year about Charlottesville, the monuments taken down in New Orleans, and controversy over the naming of schools or preserving of memorials to slave-owners

Step 3: The Assignment:

  1. Pick a partner. From these sources, determine a particular issue of interest to you (or set of issues) or questions that you want to think through more. Read as much as possible/take notes, so you are prepared to have an engaging and educated conversation about these issues and questions for 10-15 minutes with your partner. The conversation should take place in the context of the assigned readings and podcasts—references should be made to specific points the authors and speakers have made. You may certainly draw on additional sources and have notes at hand.
  2. Prepare, in advance, with your partner, the parameters of the conversation you will hold. Try to determine any points of disagreement you might have that can be fruitfully explored during the conversation (there is no need to prepare an argument or a script—this is just a conversation, not a debate), or any questions you have that the other person may want to speak to. Have a sense of what material, authors, points, or questions you might cover. Have at hand some quotes you might want to refer to during the conversation.
  3. Visit/review: .Sign-up for a 2 hour podcasting session between 9-5 through SignupGenius. Record your conversations as many times as you like during that period. You can do post-production editing during the session if there is time (e.g., remove “ums” or long silences/adjust the volumes of your voices) or save editing for later. Note that any edits done to the wavform are permanent and cannot be undone.
  4. Upload your finished podcast to “My Media Gallery” on Blackboard by May 5th at 10pm

(To publish your future sound recordings as podcasts, you must obtain an rss and get it hosted [e.g. on itunes]).