Ethnographic podcast assignment

London Neighborhood Podcast (from Professor Beth Kramer’s RH104 course)

This assignment will allow you to construct a podcast analyzing a London neighborhood. The project is designed to teach you how to use primary research and visual/audio analysis to develop a carefully
constructed argument. You will choose a London neighborhood to focus on based on the “London
Cards” options. Once chosen, you will limit your analysis to a particular “sidewalk” or small vicinity
within the neighborhood. Your goal is to create a podcast analyzing the public space in the area,
aiming to explore what links and divides insiders and outsiders in this space.

● Is there a defining visual feature of the neighborhood that dominates public space (cathedral,
central square, etc.)? How does this feature cause people to come together and/or drive them
● How are insiders and outsiders organized in your neighborhood/space? What unites and/or
divides them (language, dress, race, activities, age, attitude, etc.)? Are there tensions between
these groups? Does it match your assumptions/stereotypes or does it challenge them?
● Do people behave differently in public areas of the neighborhood compared to more private
● Does your background and subject position influence how you analyze insiders and outsiders?
How are you connected to/divided from these groups?

1-2 pages, double-spaced, submitted to Eportfolio. Be sure to include 5-10 images that capture
defining qualities of your neighborhood, and/or the presence of insiders and outsiders.

● Using scholarly and/or popular sources, discuss the background and history of your
neighborhood. You might include when the neighborhood formed, notable activities that take
place in your area (tourism, commerce, entertainment, etc.), major historical events that have
occurred there, statistics on residents and visitors, and any other information that would provide
context and background.

1-2 pages, double-spaced, with footnotes in Chicago Style. Submitted to Eportfolio.

● What appears different from your first set of observations (behavior, activity, city noise, ect.).
What is the same? Do you notice any different sets of insiders and or/outsiders?
● As you become more comfortable in the neighborhood, do you notice any difference in your own
behavior or views? Can you interview residents/visitors to share their impression of the
● How do the texts/podcasts we have used in this unit influence your impression and understanding
of your neighborhood (Duneier, Gladwell, Staples)?

1-2 pages, double-spaced, submitted to Eportfolio. In addition, aim to interview 1-4 people that
help you confirm/contest your observations. These can add particularly meaningful components
to the podcast. You might also record the presence of noise/transportation/activity to capture the
sensory experience of visiting this neighborhood.

Podcast Components

Intro: Introduce yourself/topic and include background/context/history of the area
Middle: Explore and reflect on key evidence that helps to capture the visual organization of the
neighborhood and any interesting tensions that you find between insiders and outsiders (sounds on the street, description of visual details, interview clips, etc.)
Ending: What do you want your listener to understand about insiders and outsiders in the      neighborhood after listening to your podcast? Are there lingering questions that you have? What have you learned about the process of ethnography?


You will be evaluated on content/organization (80%) and presentation/style (20%) (see above chart)

In addition to in-class workshops, you can find many tutorials on YouTube for editing podcasts on
Adobe Audition or Garageband. Consider integrating music, adjusting sound and background noise,
using transitions, and framing clips with your own reflection.

Final podcast due Sunday, July 14th at 11PM.                                                                                                            7-10 minutes, mp3 format, uploaded to Blackboard under “Ethnography Podcast Gallery.”                Submit Chicago-style bibliography to “Submit Assignments”