Journal Papers
DeBiasse MA“S”, Burt KG, Graduate degree requirement: Unclear if it is a necessary step in our profession’s evolution., Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2025;125(2):151. doi:
(From my lab) Moreira-Bouchard JD, Godley S, DeBiasse MA. LGBTQ+ faculty queering health sciences classrooms: student perspectives. Advances in Physiology Education 2024;48:270-278.
Burt KG, DeBiasse MA, Qamar Z. #InclusiveDietetics: A social media campaign improves beliefs associated with racial and ethnic diversity, equity, and inclusion in the dietetics profession. Journal of Critical Dietetics. 2023;6(3):94-121. (IF: n/a, #citations: 0)
DeBiasse MAS, Peters S, Baderha, B. Dress codes for dietetics programs: A discourse analysis. Feminism & Psychology. 2022; online first October 9, 2022.
DeBiasse MA, Burt KG, Branham AK, Breeding Z. IDEA: Let’s design, conduct, and report research with diversity and inclusion in mind. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2022;122(1):30.
DeBiasse MA, Branham A, McFarland N. Experiences of LGBTQ-identifying students, interns, and practitioners of dietetics. Journal of Critical Dietetics. 2022;6(2):7-23.
Burt KG, Ruder LH, DeBiasse MA. (In press, 2021). We need data! The importance of collecting more and better data to achieve a diverse, inclusive profession. The Digest. 2021;55(4):1-7. Nwl_RDPG_Summer2021_Final.
DeBiasse MA, Qamar Z, Burt KG. A social media intervention for dietetics professionals to increase awareness about racial/ethnic diversity and inclusion in dietetics: Black voices centered. Journal of Critical Dietetics. 2021;6(1):40-48.
DeBiasse MA, Burt KG. Inclusion is an action word. Journal of Critical Dietetics. 2019;4(2):86-90.
DeBiasse MA, Bowen DJ, Quatromoni P, Quinn E, Quintiliani LM. Feasibility and acceptability of dietary intake assessment via 24-hour recall and food frequency questionnaire among women with low socioeconomic status. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2018;118(2): 301-307.
DeBiasse, MA. “The Theory of Planned Behavior and Implementation Intentions to Describe and Improve Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Women of Low Socioeconomic Status.” Order No. 10191278 Boston University, 2016. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web. 24 Jan. 2018.
DeBiasse MA, Bowen DJ, Pagoto SL, Massaro JM, Istfan N, Quintiliani LM. Pilot and feasibility test of an implementation intention intervention to improve fruit and vegetable intake among women with low socioeconomic status. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice. 2017;10(2):157-196.
DeBiasse MA, Bowen DJ, Pagoto SL, Massaro JM, Istfan N, Quintiliani LM. The role of attitude, control and intention to explain fruit and vegetable intake among racial/ethnic minority women with low socioeconomic status. International Journal of Nutrition Science, 2017;2(1):1015.
Quintiliani LM, DeBiasse MA, Branco JM, Gees Bhosrekar S, Rorie JA, Bowen DJ. Enhancing physical and social environments to reduce obesity among public housing residents: Rationale, trial design, baseline data. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2014;39(2):201-210.
Pagoto SL, Schneider KL, Jojic M, DeBiasse MA, Mann D. Author’s response. American Journal of Preventative Medicine. 2014;47(1):e2.
Whited MC, Schneider KL, Appelhans BM, Ma Y, Waring ME, DeBiasse MA, Busch AM, Oleski JL, Merriam PA, Olendzki, BC, Crawford, SL, Ockene, IS, Lemon, SC, Pagoto, SL. Severity of depressive symptoms and accuracy of dietary reporting among obese women with major depressive disorder seeking weight loss treatment. PLoS ONE. 2014; 9(2): e90361.
Busch AM, Whited MC, Appelhans BM, Schneider KL, Waring ME, DeBiasse MA, Oleski JL, Crawford SL, Pagoto SL. Reliable change in depression during behavioral weight loss treatment among women with major depression. Obesity. 2014;21(3):E211-E218.
Pagoto SL, Schneider KL, Jojic M, DeBiasse MA, Mann D. Evidence-Based Strategies in Weight-Loss Mobile Apps. American Journal of Preventative Medicine. 2013;45(5):576-582.
Appelhans BM, Waring ME, Schneider KL, Pagoto SL, DeBiasse MA, Whited MC, Lynch EB. Delay discounting and intake of ready-to-eat and away-from-home foods in overweight and obese women. Appetite. 2012;59:576-584.
Bae R, Orgill D, DeBiasse MA, Demling RH. Management of a patient with advanced AIDS and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis using human growth hormone and G-CSF. AIDS Patient Care & STDs. 1997;11(3):125-129.
Gamliel Z, DeBiasse MA, Demling RH. Essential microminerals and their response to burn injury. Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation. 1996;17(3):264-272.
Demling RH, DeBiasse MA. Micronutrients in critical illness. Critical Care Clinics of North America. 1995;11:651-673.
DeBiasse MA, Wilmore DW. What is optimal nutrition support? New Horizons: The Science and Practice of Acute Medicine. 1994;2:122-130.
Book Chapters
DeBiasse MAS, Joy P. “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Dietetics” Chapter to be published in book Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Healthcare Professions. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (In press)
DeBiasse MA. Wound care: pressure ulcers. In: Skipper A, ed. American Dietetic Association’s Nutrition Care Manual. Chicago, IL: American Dietetic Association; 2009.
DeBiasse MA. Nutrition. In Surgical Intern Guide. A. Karavas, N. Pecquex and A. Hackford, eds. Caritas-St Elizabeth’s Medical Center Department of Surgery, Boston, 2006.
DeBiasse-Fortin, MA. Minerals and trace elements. In Contemporary Issues in Nutrition Support Practice: A Clinical Guide, 2nd edition. L. Martarese, M. Gottschlich, eds. Elsevier Science/WB Saunders, St. Louis, MO, 2003. DeBiasse_ContNSPrac
DeBiasse MA. Nutritional support of trauma patients. Brigham and Women’s Hospital Trauma Center News. 1995;1(4):1,4.
DeBiasse MA. Total parenteral nutrition base solutions, additives, and compounding reference manual. New Haven, CT: Yale New Haven Hospital, 1991.
DeBiasse MA. Dietary management of symptoms associated with cancer and cancer therapies. In: Ford DA Yale New Haven Hospital/West Haven Veteran’s Administration Medical Center Manual of Clinical Dietetics. New Haven, CT: Yale New Haven Hospital, 1990.
DeBiasse MA. Neutropenic diet. In: Ford DA ed. Yale New Haven Hospital/West Haven Veteran’s Administration Medical Center Manual of Clinical Dietetics. New Haven, CT: Yale New Haven Hospital, 1990.
DeBiasse MA. Diet during bone marrow transplantation. In: Ford DA ed. Yale New Haven Hospital/West Haven Veteran’s Administration Medical Center Manual of Clinical Dietetics. New Haven, CT: Yale New Haven Hospital, 1990.
Baustert LM, DeBiasse MA. Renal diets. In: Ford DA ed. Yale New Haven Hospital/West Haven Veteran’s Administration Medical Center Manual of Clinical Dietetics. New Haven, CT: Yale New Haven Hospital, 1990.
Conference Abstracts & Posters
Conference Abstracts
Peters S, DeBiasse MA. The role of white fragility in healthcare professionals’ engagement in antiracist action. American Psychological Association annual meeting, Los Angeles, April 2025.
Tibboles C, DeBiasse MA, Ludy MJ, Hamady CH. Reflections of LGBTQ+-Identifying Dietetics Students, Interns, and Early-Career Practitioners. 2023 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, October 2023.
DeBiasse MA, Peters S, Baderha B. Dress Codes Written for Dietetics Education Programs: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis. Association for Women in Psychology, 2022 Annual Conference, March 5-7 2022, Chicago, IL and virtual.
DeBiasse MA, Branham A, McFarland N. (2021) Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Identifying Students, Interns and Practitioners of Dietetics. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Quintiliani LM, DeBiasse MA, Branco JM, Gees Bhosrekar S, Rorie JA, Bowen DJ. (Abstract) Enhancing physical and social environments to reduce obesity among public housing residents: Rationale, trial design, baseline data. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2014;37:S118. 2014_Article_Abstracts_AnnBehMed
Bush AM, Whited MC, Appelhans BM, Schneider KL, DeBiasse MA, Oleski J, Waring ME, Curtin C, Pagoto SL. (Abstract) Does behavioral weight loss treatment reliably improve or worsen depression among women with major depression? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2012;43:S111-S111. 2012_Article_Abstracts_AnnBehMed
Whited MC, Schneider KL, Appelhans BM, Ma Y, Waring, ME, DeBiasse MA, Busch AM, Oleski J, Merriam P, Olendzki B, Crawford S, Ockene I, Pagoto SL. (Abstract) Under-reporting of caloric intake among obese women with depression. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2012;43:S192-S192. 2012_Article_Abstracts_AnnBehMed
Appelhans BM, Woolf K, DeBiasse MA, Whited MC, Pagoto SL, Schneider KL. (Abstract) Delay discounting, food convenience, and energy intake among overweight and obese women. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2012;43:S108-S108. 2012_Article_Abstracts_AnnBehMed
Lenders CL, Heinrick JR, DeBiasse MA, Gorman KA. (Abstract) Secondary prevention of obesity among children age 5 and under. FASEB Journal. 2011;25:01.
DeBiasse MA, Fairchild MM, Brown R. (Abstract) Menu choices of hospitalized patients with malignancy diagnoses vs. hospitalized patients without malignancy diagnoses. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1992; 92(suppl) A-29. DeBiasse_JAND_1992
Peters S, DeBiasse MA. The role of white fragility in healthcare professionals’ engagement in antiracist action. American Psychological Association annual meeting, Los Angeles, April 2025.
Tibboles C, DeBiasse MA, Ludy MJ, Hamady CH. Reflections of LGBTQ+-Identifying Dietetics Students, Interns, and Early-Career Practitioners. 2023 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, October 2023.
DeBiasse MA, Branham A, McFarland N. Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Identifying Students, Interns and Practitioners of Dietetics. Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE)/Annual meeting of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, October 2021.
Burt KG, Rajan A, Qamar Z, DeBiasse MA. Abstract/poster presented at Massachusetts Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Conference and Expo; April 3, 2020; Norwood, MA. (Rescheduled for October 2020)
DeBiasse MA, Bowen DJ, Quatromoni PA, Quinn EM, Quintiliani, LM. Acceptability of dietary intake assessment via 24-hour recall and food frequency questionnaire among women with low socioeconomic status. Abstract/poster presented at Massachusetts Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Conference and Expo; March 23, 2018; Norwood, MA.
DeBiasse MA, Bowen DJ, Pagoto SL, Quintiliani LM. Theory of Planned Behavior and implementation intentions to improve fruit and vegetable intake in women of low socioeconomic status. Abstract/poster presented at Society of Behavioral Medicine 35th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions; March-April 2016; Washington, DC.
DeBiasse MA, Quintiliani LM, Bowen DJ, Pagoto SL, Massaro JM, Istfan N. Improving fruit and vegetable intake in women residents of public housing using implementation intentions: Rationale and trial design. Abstract/poster presented at Fourth Annual BU CTSI Translational Science Symposium: Research on Disparities in Health Care; October 2014; Boston, MA.
Pagoto SL, Schneider KL, Jojic M, DeBiasse MA, Mann D. How evidence-based are weight loss mobile apps? Abstract/poster presented at Society of Behavioral Medicine 34th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions; March 2013; San Francisco, CA.
Whited MC, Waring ME, Appelhans BM, Schneider KL, DeBiasse MA, Busch AM, Oleski J, Merriam P, Ma Y, Olendzki B, Crawford S, Lemon S, Pagoto SL. Pre-treatment weight change and weight-loss treatment outcome in obese women with depression. Abstract/poster presented at Society of Behavioral Medicine 33rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions; April 2012; New Orleans, LA.
Appelhans BM, Woolf K, DeBiasse MA, Whited MC, Pagoto SL, Schneider KL. Impulsivity, food convenience, and energy intake among overweight and obese women. Abstract/poster presented at Boston University School of Medicine/Graduate Medical Sciences Student Research Day; May 2012; Boston, MA
DeBruijn S, DeBiasse MA. Development of a nutritional risk screening tool for oncology outpatients. Abstract/poster presented at Massachusetts Dietetic Association Annual Meeting; March 2006; Norwood, MA.
Lanifero A, Patton K, DeBiasse-Fortin MA. Diabetes self-management education: Does a limited inpatient education improve knowledge? Abstract/poster presented at Massachusetts Dietetic Association Annual Meeting; March 2002; Norwood, MA.
DeBiasse MAS. All Americans deserve a healthy diet. Here’s one way to help make that happen. The Brink (Pioneering research from Boston University). May 12, 2024