Transnational Repression Targeting Falun Gong



The Chinese Communist Party’s Transnational Repression Targeting Falun Gong


Chinese Student and Scholars Associations (CSSA) have engaged in multiple attempts since 2017 to censor or penalize Falun Gong-related activities on US university campuses, with long-term repercussions even when demands were not met. The associations are known to have ties to local Chinese consulates. In one case, a graduate student and Falun Gong practitioner in Illinois had joined the Chinese Student and Scholars Association (CSSA) to access the resources it offers to international students from China. He reported that Chinese diplomats in the United States caused his removal from the group, “I was told by the then-CSSA President that the Chinese embassy in Chicago asked him to remove me from CSSA due to my involvement in Falun Gong activities. I had a personal website that published content about Falun Gong. I was later told that somehow the Chinese Consulate of Chicago has noticed my connection with Falun Gong and asked then CSSA administration to remove me from the CSSA.”


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Monitoring the CCP’s Latest Transnational Repression and Disinformation Campaign against Falun Gong, Shen Yun

事件追蹤: 跟踪中共最新針對法輪功、神韻的跨國打壓和虛假信息運動