Falun Gong 9-day workshop/法輪功九天學習班
Free 9-day Falun Dafa Workshop
Date: April 13 (Sat.) to April 21 (Sun)., 2024
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Location: 2464 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 440, Cambridge, MA 02140
What is taught: The Workshop consists of a series of lectures on what, how, why, and more about the Falun Dafa self-cultivation system. Each lecture is followed by hands-on meditation instruction. Taught systematically.
- Relieve stress
- Increases energy
- Easy to learn
Contact: 617-216-0931 or info@falundafa-ne.org
Please note that this is a 9-day package; the lecture and activities on each day provide a foundation for understanding the material to be learned on subsequent days, so no sessions of the workshop should be skipped.
日期: 4月13日(週六) – 4月21日(週日)
時間:每天晚上6點半到8點半(6:30 pm – 8:30 pm )
地點:2464 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140
***開車:麻州大道路邊停車方便(Meter 下午6點後免費)
***地鐵:紅線地鐵到David SQ., 走8-10分鐘
***公車:77路公車, 下車走3分鐘
2018年法輪功免費九天班/Falun Gong 9-day workshop (free)
11/3(週六)- 11/4(週日) 下午 4點 – 6點
11/5(週一)- 11/8(週四) 下午 6點 – 8點
11/9(週五)- 11/11(週日)下午 4點 – 6點
90 Tyler Street
Boston, MA 02111